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  1. helpfulcomrade


    Gramps confirmed best character in the series.
  2. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    Man, these chapters coming out now are great in a terrible sort of way - like watching a train wreck. All these retcons and 'plot twists' just to try and force not only a Tarou & Ibusuki end, but to make it the 'good' ending, it's laughable. Either the author was forced to write this garbage...
  3. helpfulcomrade

    7 Jikanme no Note

    Alright, after this latest chapter, I think Youhei should just dump Azumi - she's clearly not mature enough to be in a relationship yet. That was some grade-A bullshit she just pulled.
  4. helpfulcomrade


    Holy shit, way to go Miwa-san
  5. helpfulcomrade

    Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko!

    Oh yeah, Jun's gettin' a present for Christmas.
  6. helpfulcomrade

    Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko!

    Jun's mentally recording the sex scene to analyze later and make notes. Prepare yourself, Tomo - this is the future you chose.
  7. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    Oh look, I was right, an asspull retcon by the author. @Bramia "This is getting more and more ridiculous by the chapter... Make it end already and let him be a loner. He doesn't really love any of the 3 girls anyway" He loved Ibusuki before she abandoned him, and he loved Eve probably right up...
  8. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    @Tepelgil Since you're still clearly ignoring the fact that Eve isn't just Tarou's delusion, I suppose there really -isn't- any point in discussing it with you further. Also, there's something to be said about your claim that people have to give up their ideals to 'grow up'. If that's what...
  9. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    @Bramia "Everything Tarou does is done without giving a single thought about anyone else. He doesn't care about anyone else. That's why I say he's selfish and unbearable. " Does this statement take into consideration all of the people that Tarou's helped in regards to FLZ and relationship...
  10. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    @darknesspker "As for how she was suffering for years, it was because of Tarou that she started seeing ghosts, something that she didn't want to see/experience but was forced to." It's not like Tarou knew that Ibusuki would gain the ability to see FLZs when he headbutted her, and he only did it...
  11. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    I love how the anti-Eve brigade suddenly crawls out of the woodworks, completely ignoring the obvious fact that what we/Tarou is seeing isn't the real Eve. @Bramia Explain your thought process on this to me, because I have no idea how you came to that conclusion. Tarou hasn't even had much of...
  12. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    @Tepelgil How is -TAROU- the one that's become annoying? @Mimik Ibusuki is the source of all the strife, not Eve. And I'm damn glad that her sinister plot was foiled and she's resigned to quit and run away and pout about it like the scheming, selfish, malicious little bitch she is.
  13. helpfulcomrade

    Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko!

    Jun: "I don't want to be the kind of guy that holds Tomo down." What if she wants you to hold her down?
  14. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    Oh joy, a chapter where Tarou gets treated like an object and manipulated by everyone around him.
  15. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    Talking shit about people while attempting to hiding it from them is cowardice. You're not trying to avoid confrontation, you're trying to avoid reprisals while you snipe from behind a Spoiler tag. If you have an issue with me or anyone else in this forum, either take it to a private...
  16. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    Maybe if you wouldn't act like such a coward, hiding your personal attacks against people under a Spoiler tag, then I wouldn't call you a coward, @TwilightFaze. "Care to give examples of good things she's done for Tarou?" "I did. Several times in our previous conversations. Even marked the...
  17. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    It's good to see how much of a coward you are at this point, @TwilightFaze "anti-Ibusuki fanboy plugging his ears to what good she's done for Tarou" Care to give examples of good things she's done for Tarou? "ignoring the harm Tarou self-inflicts upon himself being with Eve" Again, care to...
  18. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    @Mimik "Tarou: Thick-headed (ironic considering it bursts open every other chapter) typical male protagonist who doesn’t know what he wants." Tarou knows what he wants - to be with Eve and live a life without stress and drama. It's not his fault that most of the people around him take it upon...
  19. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    Ibusuki: "Just how self-centered are you?!" Pot, kettle.
  20. helpfulcomrade

    Hatsukoi Zombie

    @Hikari_Na0 hear, hear