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  1. mansuf

    mangadex-downloader - A command-line tool to download manga, chapter and list

    You can sort downloads with reading status for saved manga. But, the app doesn't support sorting downloads for list / author yet. Example usage: # Download all saved manga with "reading" status mangadex-dl "library:reading" --login # Download all saved manga with "Plan to read" status...
  2. mansuf

    mangadex-downloader - A command-line tool to download manga, chapter and list

    Sorry for late reply, you can use library, list or followed-list commands to download your entire library. # Download saved manga mangadex-dl "library" --login # Download saved lists mangadex-dl "list" --login # Download followed lists mangadex-dl "followed-list" --login You will be...
  3. mansuf

    mangadex-downloader - A command-line tool to download manga, chapter and list

    Yeah, i mean hakuneko has different sources while my app support MangaDex only. And hakuneko is a GUI app while my app is a CLI. But my app has specific features for MangaDex that hakuneko doesn't have (like i listed in the thread). Each applications has it's own pros and cons.
  4. mansuf

    mangadex-downloader - A command-line tool to download manga, chapter and list

    Hello, everyone ! I have a CLI (Command-Line Interface) downloader tool that you can try on. It can download manga, chapter, list. Just type the url, run the app and you're good to go ! The application is written in Python, so it should run in multi platform. Github link...