This is pretty idiotic but on pg13, who tf would ask a virtual youtuber manager to show his face. Wah!?!?? What da heck, also my ship be sailing and gonna be sinking in the future.
Let me beat up Angie's followers too since all of them are focking idiots to let their Oujo to go on a fukin suicide mission and die. I hope they perish.
If that wishiwsh dude wants her fiance back i'm gonna kill him since he was the one who ignored her for 10 years. And that emperor seems like a nice person, 2chapters in and he's good
@Satriox Wait i thought PPtenshi was fighting Coco's father then it ran away because he was to scared of spyGorri
@Dominai Yes the Apex Predator, she's so strong that a single letter can make thousands of people bow down before her and give their money