@nogenem you do realize there are different magazines where this stuff is published that simply have different release schedule? If you are published by a monthly, it is not up to you that it is a chapter per month and the number of pages is also managed by them.
So many blind fanboys that just accept everything their party says as hard facts. Stop being so fucking stupid, you have no evidence to anything and no one of you can prove either side right or wrong.
But hey, just being mindless fools, we live in a world where something like Trump can be...
From their discord accnouncements:
It has come to our knowledge that Tencent is officially releasing a licensed English version of The Hunter named as Dark Hunter
You can find them here
Go support the official release.
We will drop...
From Allens Discord:
Tencent, the publisher and owner of Iron Ladies, has published its own English version of Iron Ladies. They named it "Metal Goddess Soldier." At the time of writing this, they have released five chapters. The quality of their translations is above average. Their...
@Retard_ If you see that as rage, you have seen nothing and clearly overreact to shit. I liked your work and as i said, those guys are ungrateful shitheads but saying someone should just die or get cancer because they trolled or raged through some comments? Some random total strangers, that...
@zetsuravez says the SJW? You come here telling those people to die in defense of the scanlator that quit because of some ungrateful shitheads. We wouldn't have ANY scanlations if all would do that.
It is stupid and disgusting that people behave like that and there are people where that shit...
@zetsuravez And still just because of some comments you are telling others to die. Which makes you even more toxic and disgusting than any on those guys.
@zetsuravez complaining other people are toxic and and posting comment about telling them to die. Pot calling the kettle. By your logic you have to kill yourself as well.
@Zael if you want it like that, ok. She was possessed by the dragon, the dargon could easily temper with the blade, enchant it, buff it, buff her, while feeding on her despair inside her mind and there you have your blade that can cut it. Happy now?
@SenjiQ if you are unprepared and relaxed, your defense means nothing. You can easily knockout a trained fighter if you get them unprepared, even if they can take several its to the head in a normal fight
I fear the delay here will increase more and more. Now we are at 2 days, Returners Magic which they took over, is already at 7 days, for no good reason. Even Jaiminis Box didn't do shit like this when they took over projects.
And by looking at the screenshot posted below, i for sure won't visit...
@Aretheus No matter how friendly someone might be, if they are from a different world or even dimension they could carry who knows what in their body that could lead to horrible epidemics in another world.
Just importing an animal into an ecosystem that doesn't have anything similar and...