Indeed. murdering and raping people without a reason. He deserves a fate worse than death. he gets to be diapers in a retirement home in his next life.
that shitty god needs to be removed.
did re-read it all.
Eyup. that bloodthristy knight NEEDS to die. it can't go fast enough.
the king needs to be cursed into hell. he doesn't deserve the Death. he deserves so much much much worse.
don't forget that we see them cute... because the MC does think that. so.. the knights might think otherwise.
forest: Mmm... knights? running canned food!
Why? they can't prove it is him anymore after that... beating up. now he looks so ugly and like a commoner. so he is extacly what he was before he got beaten up... completly useless.
the Slavery ticket system is the dumbest system ever.
1. it can seemly be used by teachers too? strike one.
2. who keeps an eye on the orders that gets issused? strike 2.
3. everyone turns into a slave if they got low value? strike 3. (someone mentioned a noble would be darn angry if they...
understandable. alot of girls wants him... he might not know it but i can see him feeling too overwhelmed. besides i suspect he only got eyes for a certain lass but doesn't know it yet.
it is a strange way to handle this cricis in. the king literally lets monsters roaming.. and from what we hear it is powerful monsters.
it will dry out with the time? did the king not think it MIGHT not dry out for long time?
The king's head is full of pride and fat.
sure he got a stronger weapon and it is powerful. But that is useless against someone with similar powers...and alot of experience with fights and wars... plus he is fueled by PURE RAGE
So King. write your will and please lie down and let yourself...
oh man i can't wait to the next update.. but am forced to.
Mera who will find the ones who hates Beastkin leaders' plan? hmm.. is she supposed to trigger a riot?