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  1. yannickq

    Shadow Queen - Ch. 40

    @Randompasserby18 she needs Raphael (and the other future cultural leaders) because she needs support. And support is not always political or monetary. It would be the equivalent of media personalities or celebrities who create art/entertainment but also hold influence. Those people can...
  2. yannickq

    Love Quest for a Servant Girl - Vol. 2 Ch. 40

    Ah the stock standard stupid character never fails to get me annoyed
  3. yannickq

    As You Like It, Margrave - Ch. 66

    Ahh fiiiinally we get some real movement in the plot! I was honestly getting a bit bored of their wishy washy romance. Thanks for the update guys!!!
  4. yannickq

    Living as an Emperor's Fiancée - Ch. 21

    Thank you for your work so far! Have a good break (:
  5. yannickq

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 2 Ch. 53

    @Q_u_w I don't think even that would work. In the case of poisoning, the poison could have been left by anyone, anywhere and at any time. Just a matter of whether it's innocent until proven guilty, or guilty until proven innocent. @Mangareader66ui Ah but I meant, what could you do to prove...
  6. yannickq

    The Villainess Is a Marionette - Vol. 1 Ch. 21

    @Akinya because the groups want to and they can do it if they choose to. Just pick the version you like, and stick with it. Then hope that that's the group that stays.
  7. yannickq

    I Don't Love You Anymore - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    "sorry I didn't realise lady eustrash and everyone else treated you like that, I thought only I treated you like shit. Now come back and say you'll forgive me" 🤡
  8. yannickq

    Aideen - Vol. 1 Ch. 32

    I know this is supposed to be a sad chapter, but man, the way this author draws kids is so weird. The head to body ratio looks off.
  9. yannickq

    The Villainess Turns the Hourglass - Vol. 2 Ch. 53

    Sometimes I wonder what one should do in that situation if you really were innocent. Obviously we know that Emma pulled the strings, but even if she were just a scapegoat, nothing she could say or do would alleviate the pressure in the room. People will believe and hear what they want.
  10. yannickq

    Behold the True Villainess - Ch. 10

    Any issues I had with loading images was solved once I switched from compressed to original. Thanks for the upload!
  11. yannickq

    World Line - Ch. 1 - Fairy

    That was a really abrupt end to the chapter. NGL, I thought the twist was gonna be that she led the fairy to him and then the fairy kills him 😂
  12. yannickq

    For Better or For Worse - Ch. 30

    "would you like some tea..... or me? 😏"
  13. yannickq

    The Villainess' Maker - Ch. 21

    Unfortunately that sort of parenting happens all the time... 😩
  14. yannickq

    The Villainess Is a Marionette - Vol. 1 Ch. 21

    Thank you for the upload, it feels like some of the dialogue was a bit odd in this one, a few errors but mostly just the flow. Some of it came out of left field. Author, you ok?
  15. yannickq

    The Emperor Reverses Time - Ch. 4

    I guess there's still the weird morality of a grown adult's mind that will (eventually) fall in love with someone much younger than them.
  16. yannickq

    The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 60 - Epilogue 4 - The Ending of a Fairy Tale (5)

    @loiralice nora's the blue-black haired boy that's Jeremy's age and follows shuli around. He's been shown throughout the series actually
  17. yannickq

    The Fake Lady and Her Rabbit Duke - Ch. 1

    Holy you did this on your phone???!? It's definitely better than some others I've seen haha
  18. yannickq

    The Fake Lady and Her Rabbit Duke - Ch. 2

    Dat bunny kick tho
  19. yannickq

    The Precious Sister of the Villainous Grand Duke - Ch. 6

    @Danwoo definitely looking forward to the time skip, so you're not alone lol