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  1. ixlone

    Site Feedback Reply Thread

    @y5noone Try disable swiping in the reader settings, see if that makes it easier.
  2. ixlone

    Site Feedback Reply Thread

    @morichiro Zooming works for me on mobile Chrome. Some older devices and iOS support is still being fixed though. So this might be updated and start to work for you soon. The eye only appears on chapters for manga you have set following:read.
  3. ixlone

    Site Feedback Reply Thread

    Ah, I see. All posts have edit for me, so never noticed!
  4. ixlone

    Site Feedback Reply Thread

    @Bainhardt Got a screenshot of what you mean?
  5. ixlone

    Site Feedback Reply Thread

    @jesusdeath14 The follows tab on main page is intended to be a snapshot of recent follows only. While the actual follows page allows more options - sorting by status, chapter follows, manga follows, group follows and is generally more detailed in a way that the front page tab can't be.
  6. ixlone

    Site Feedback Reply Thread

    @jrdp_18 @Harry_Dong Author and artist pages are planned so this will be updated then.
  7. ixlone

    Site Feedback Reply Thread

    @Nayn Clicking the eye next to the chapter will make it unread.
  8. ixlone

    Site Feedback Reply Thread

    @Hoanghoiham That might be related to what browser you are using. It works for me on up to date Chrome on phone. You can filter out languages by using the settings button on the top bar.
  9. ixlone

    Site Feedback Reply Thread

    @anki09 1. Front page updates don't show multiple releases, only the latest one if multiple are uploaded. FYI you can swap back to the old layout with multiple chapters on display in your ettings. The new view is kinder on the server. There may be a way we can make it obvious other new...
  10. ixlone

    Site feedback - Please read the post so your comment does not get DELETED.

    Version 3 has been out for a while now and you folks have had a chance to get used to it. That said, we are interested in hearing feedback on your THREE biggest gripes about the site. You know, that thing you hate the most, or annoys you every time you see it to the point you had to make a...
  11. ixlone

    Have you checked out our new feature: MDList? Also, the new reader has been updated!

    @SolVic The backwards and forwards might be caused by you clicking/tapping left|right sides of screen - left goes back, right goes forward.
  12. ixlone

    Have you checked out our new feature: MDList? Also, the new reader has been updated!

    @mochi That is a known bug, will be fixed when @Teasday gets to it.
  13. ixlone

    Have you checked out our new feature: MDList? Also, the new reader has been updated!

    Have you checked out our new feature: MDList Handily located on your user list, it allows you to share your manga follow status with everyone, your friends on site, or keep it all to yourself like a level 5 hoarder. Check out Plykiya's list here! The cog top right of the list allows you...
  14. ixlone

    I can not read manga

    @DaKatGod Hopefully support for older devices will be coming soon. Until then the legacy reader is available - can switch to it via your settings. @Vaine1 Update chrome or enable the stuff mentioned above - or use legacy reader.
  15. ixlone

    MangaDex v3 is live, and a general site update!

    @MrBeaver @XieShu The first post has the info.
  16. ixlone

    MangaDex v3 is live, and a general site update!

    @Irian No plans.
  17. ixlone

    MangaDex v3 is live, and a general site update!

    @remlei Fit to container is never gonna be good on wide screen, fit to width is best option. You can disable the "page turn by vertical scrolling" to stop it going to next page though.
  18. ixlone

    MangaDex v3 is live, and a general site update!

    @Irian Preload limit is there to keep our servers alive and now that guests can use the long stripe mode we needed something to limit server hits.
  19. ixlone

    MangaDex v3 is live, and a general site update!

    @tirakai Seems I misunderstood the container width restrains, seems it won't go above 100%.