This backstory was better than I expected. I didn't care much about Nagisa before but this does makes her way more likeable.
Hopefully Saki also gets some more chapters focusing on her because she is kinda getting left behind on the likeability scale.
This manga really is making all women to be selfish bitches here lol (except the mom, kinda).
Though I'm surprised r*pe wasn't taken into consideration yet, but let's see what happens.
Based editor understands that marketing is everything. It doesn't matter how good your story is if no one hears about it.
I really enjoy this manga so I'm happy for this development.
This manga seems like hilarious trash.
I'm surprised they didn't bring up the possiblity of just fucking each other. I mean, even if it doesn't work, are you really friends if you aren't willing to take it in the ass to save your bro?