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    Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou - Vol. 5 Ch. 31 - Столкновение

    Благодарю за перевод, конечно, но... Теперь у нас две главы с одним русским названием, хотя в оригинале они разные: 30-ая глава - 遭遇 - Encounter, кое таки сильно ближе к Столкновение (или Неожиданная встреча), как по переводу, так и по сюжету 31-ая глава - 激突 - Crash или Clash, среди синонимов...
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    Infection - Vol. 7 Ch. 57 - Wavering trust

    @Werebearguy 1. Latest chapter of this ongoing weekly manga is 134. Translating is toooooo slow, yes. 2. Satsuki's & Urara's arch is aproximately 10-11 chapters (~2.5 monts of publication) - this is too small for needless prolongation of over 130 chapters story. 3. Satsuki is childhood friend &...
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    Infection - Vol. 7 Ch. 56 - Survival priority order

    @LoneWizzy Sometimes yes. In chapters 56-130 (all versions): No niples for Kaori & Satsuki and no more nude scenes for Urara. For others - no niple censorship in tankobon version of chapters. Hard censored (in web version) scenes in chapters 117-119 not avaliable in tankobon version at this...
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    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 14 Ch. 116 - ENTER.61 - Silent Night 3

    @LLENN 1. Maybe she (on chapter 57) did not serve her clients vaginally, but she did meet with men for serious money, which they hardly pay for “just talk”. 2. Being a prostitute does not at all mean a default consent to any kind of sex. For rough sex, BDSM, anal, gangbang and other things like...
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    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 14 Ch. 116 - ENTER.61 - Silent Night 3

    @LLENN She is Kayo's bullying classmate Melissa Maina Mitsuhiro - see chapters 56-59 & 77. Also she is schoolgirl-prostitute...
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    Mahou Shoujo Site

    @faiktheintelligent The second half of episode 10 and beyond is not a canon. Chapters 01-17 - there are differences. Chapters 18-31 - major differences. Chapters 32-42 - almost coincide with episodes 8-9. Chapters 43-45 - there are differences with the first half of episode 10. Chapters 46-55...
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    Mahou Shoujo Site - Vol. 12 Ch. 96 - ENTER.41 - Shared Fate

    Hmm, demon-snakes with speed regeneration... IMHO, this is proper enemy for use one of form Kayo's stick - Petrification Water gun. As reference to Medusa Gorgona.
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    Mahou Shoujo Site Sept.

    @papamiosuckmahdicko In theory: It may be somewhat spoiler for those who have not read all the chapters available here.