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  1. rdn

    Spoilers not hidden when replying [Xenforo Feature Request]

    I try to keep it as stock-standard as possible because every modification potentially needs maintenance when the version or the style is upgraded. The editor for example is pure xenforo as well as any quote-functionality because maintaining custom modifications in this complex component would be...
  2. rdn

    Spoilers not hidden when replying [Xenforo Feature Request]

    I cant fathom why you would reply to a post you dont want to read the text for but there is also the possibility to mark text you want to reply to, click on the (admittedly hard to see) reply button and have that appear in your Reply box. If you need to quote parts of the post without seeing...
  3. rdn


  4. rdn

    List of Forum Titles by Reaction Score

    no effect anymore I was bullied into removing the negative score because couldnt keep their twitchy fingers in their pockets smh :shamihuh:
  5. rdn

    Mod Anger Test

    This is why we can't have nice things
  6. rdn

    List of Forum Titles by Reaction Score

    I think you can stomach some negative reactions, not like they have any consequence here anyway
  7. rdn

    Enable native image hosting [Rejected]

    we wont host images.
  8. rdn

    There's a points section in our bios for "achievement points". Only achievement right now is for having been here pre-v5. I don't have it somehow?

    i'ts meant to be a thing eventually, once it's there it will be awarded retroactively so no worries
  9. rdn

    There's a points section in our bios for "achievement points". Only achievement right now is for having been here pre-v5. I don't have it somehow?

    The trophies were setup but havent been awarded yet because of some technical issue I havent had the chance to figure out yet :aquadrink:
  10. rdn


  11. rdn

    The tank girl appreciation section

    best thread for best gurl
  12. rdn

    List of Forum Titles by Reaction Score

    nah, :aquadrink: is meant to show solidarity with the hardships of life, not a bonk :nyoron:
  13. rdn

    List of Forum Titles by Reaction Score

    both :slap: and :aquadrink: are neutral in terms of score. originally i wanted there to be way more negative scorings but alas it was unwanted :nyoron:
  14. rdn

    Browser discussions. Does the perfect Web-Navi exist?

    I'm a big fan of vivaldi, especially because its one of the few browsers that get vertical tabs right, allow for a split window view and is 100% compatible with chrome etensions. Can recommend!
  15. rdn

    Email address not updating

    This is correct, profile data including email, username and usergroups only update on login, which means you need to logout and log back in or wait for your session to expire naturally to have changes applied.
  16. rdn

    List of Forum Titles by Reaction Score

    Good catch, but the O has a different meaning :meguusmug:
  17. rdn

    List of Forum Titles by Reaction Score

    This is Fed-kun: The evil imposter that steals passwords
  18. rdn

    [Resolved] (Question) Why is the 'description' manga attribute singular and not plural?

    indeed :nyoron: some design choices make you sleep easier, others make you wake up sweaty and hyperventilating. this was one of the former
  19. rdn

    [Resolved] (Question) Why is the 'description' manga attribute singular and not plural?

    description for any entity is a flat object of string-keys (locale) to string-value (Translated description string). its not an object of objects. It might be inconsistent, but its not without reason. By virtue of ours being a json api, we have to work with some weird implementations where the...
  20. rdn

    [Resolved] (Question) Why is the 'description' manga attribute singular and not plural?

    At some point, the design idea was that there is one [primary] title, which is a LocalizedString and will be displayed on the UI first and foremost. Additionally, there can be any number of alternative titles (array of LocalizedString) that give additional, lower-priority titles to the manga. A...