If you look at one of the recent serialized chapters, you can see text in the bottom corner that days something like "Yuri Hime 2020 12"
*edit: just checked. Among others, it's on page 22 of chapter 6.
All of you raging that the MC hasn't killed him yet or saying he better not forgive him need to calm the hell down.
This MC wouldn't kill glasses guy because he doesn't need to. Taking him alive means he can rot in jail for attacking the city.
The reason Alan can't be killed is more for plot...
@bigtiddyoneesan oh god, that whole series 😱
I've shut a lot of it out of my mind because I got so confused about the timeline and/or what is/isn't real 😅
@TitanAnteus I doubt Taimanin Asahi is a factor. I wouldn't expect this manga's audience to have much crossover with those who liked that those ninjas were masochist sluts.
@sirpomegranate he seems to like it now. It just didn't stick with him in his long term memories from before the fire, because he was putting an ideal version of her on a pedestal.
@gillgamesh I hope you don't mean the emperor in this manga, cuz that dude loves stealing women (not through sexual prowess though, just forced in nearly every definition of the term)
Hopefully this means versus Aurelia's family is the next arc. They've had an ass-whooping coming their way for a looooooong time now.
If we are lucky, maybe they will both die via a shot of black dragon breath 😁