Search results

  1. C

    [Nebula Omega Scans] is Recruiting!!

    Hello, I was wondering if you're still hiring proofreaders. I would be interested in proofreading to gain manga experience. Also discord link is dead.
  2. C

    木林森 scans is recruiting !!!

    Hello, I was wondering if you're still hiring proofreaders. I would be interested in proofreading to gain manga experience.
  3. C

    The Croissant Bakery is Recruiting!!

    Hello, I was wondering if you're still hiring proofreaders. I would be interested in proofreading to gain manga experience.
  4. C

    Mango Cabbage Scan Recruitment

    Hello, I was wondering if you're still hiring proofreaders. The discord link doesn't work. Please let me know as soon as possible.