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  1. M

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean (Official Colored) - Vol. 10 Ch. 84 - F.F. - Witness Part 2

    OH SHIT!!! I know that Pucci could use his stand's ability to create disks from memories and insert them into people and organisms like plankton, but I didn't know that he could also use regular CD disks and put them inside people's heads as well! So he can pretty much create Bluetooth speakers...
  2. M

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean (Official Colored) - Vol. 9 Ch. 76 - A Green Birth Part 1

    This green dude has to be the most feminine looking male so far. He fucking wearing a skirt and heels, not even Bucciarati looked this gay lmfao 🤣
  3. M

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6 - Stone Ocean - Digital Colored Comics - Vol. 9 Ch. 75 - Father: Jotaro Kujo; Daughter: Jolyne Cujoh

    That thing about not having a father figure in your life is kind of true, from what I've seen in my life. Not having someone in your life that represents a father figure can lead you to make some errors that you were supposed to learn to avoid from a father. Mothers can be both a mother and...
  4. M

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean (Official Colored) - Vol. 7 Ch. 62 - Guard Westwood's Secret Part 3

    So this is where Jojo's All-Star Battle got Jolyne's fighting stance from
  5. M

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean (Official Colored) - Vol. 7 Ch. 60 - Guard Westwood's Secret Part 1

    Okay, that fight between the cops was pretty awesome. No stands, just a brawl between men (that can somehow see each others "strong points") to the point of destroying their bodies. Fucking badass! Can't wait to see that in the anime!
  6. M

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean (Official Colored) - Vol. 7 Ch. 58 - Ultra Security Punishment Ward

    I wonder how they'll make him look in the anime... Hopefully a bit more masculin in the face cuz this dude straight up looks like a tranny
  7. M

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean (Official Colored) - Vol. 7 Ch. 55 - The Kiss of Love and Revenge Part 5

    Woah, that shit gave me some part 1 vibes... That's one really fucked up stand
  8. M

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean (Official Colored) - Vol. 6 Ch. 50 - Heavy Rainfall Warning Activated Part 3

    Who would win? A poisonous frog that can stop your heart and nervous system in seconds? OR A STAND WITH A FUCKING GUN?