It's fantastic that someone's filling the gap, as a new reader I wonder if it's best to wait for that gap to be filled or continue on with what's already there... Hmm, I think I'll wait for now. It'll make things all the sweeter.
Sad she dosn't understand just why they were all so sad or willing to go to such lengths for her. She is just a kid though, smart academically though she may be.
Wow, same author as ' Frieren at the Funeral'? That's pretty cool, I think. I'll be giving this a read later, I actually read the first chapters a few years back myself.
@sirflimflam People don't like her because of some perceived 'love triangle', more because of her personality and how she detracts from the previous fluff. It's not a great first impression for a new character.
I for one won't drop the manga as I hope things improve with her as a character...