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    You know, I'm just gonna say it. Gotenks grew up to be a massive piece of shit.
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    The Archmage Returns After 4000 Years - Vol. 1 Ch. 27

    @Crusade Okay, if that's the case, why is he mentioning never killing innocents right before killing someone?
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    The Politics Megathread

    @Richman One running for president yes.
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    The Politics Megathread

    @Coriander Now that's not true, out of those 138K votes, Trump got 50 and Jo Jorgensen got 150.
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    Tricks Dedicated to Witches - Ch. 10 - The Devil’s Mark

    @bejad007 Thinking that twins are bad luck or spawn of the devil is not the same as twins being beyond salvation. Twins being bad luck is a universal human trait, as they have a higher chance of killing the mother and two extra mouths to feed is a big problem unless you're rich. They...
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    The Politics Megathread

    Apparently several sections of Mexico are officially threatening to break off into their own independent state if the Mexican President isn't ousted. I hope they can resolve the creation of their new country "legally", although I hazard the guess the US doesn't really like it's neighbours...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @Tamerlane And yet for all that knowledge you're not able to formulate why lambasting someone whose people were destroyed to found the country they dislike. Also, contrary to what you formulate here. Isn't possible to do that AND for @2SpiritCherokeePrincess to continue living on the land...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @BestBoy Good to know, though I don't believe we were discussing if it was "okay" or not to not identify as American. The discussion was more of a problem of what exactly an "American" is, and why certain people would be excluded from it. I can understand the concept of not agreeing with the...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @2SpiritCherokeePrincess Excuse me for being unknowledgable, but, how do you *legally* found a new country? It would seem to me that a country comes first and laws later, not the other way around, and even then, new countries only come into existence when enough countries that already exist...
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    Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 2-bu 「Hon no Tamenara Miko ni Naru!」 - Vol. 3 Ch. 11 - The Orphanage …

    @ninjadork Alright so you did in fact make it up yourself to associate the two ideas, got it. You've read Marxist sociopolitical theory then? What parts? Why is application of force a calling card of Marxist philosophy? This would imply that China's economy improved rapidly by switching to...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @2SpiritCherokeePrincess Why would you say you're not an American? Do you consider "Americans" an ethnic group rather than just a label?
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    So What's Wrong with Getting Reborn as a Goblin? - Vol. 2 Ch. 16

    You're telling me the humans went form attempting to exterminate golbins to owning goblins as pets to the current situation in less than 50 years? What the fuck. The humans that wanted to kill all goblins haven't even completely died yet!
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    @MrIncognito No need to be nasty. Confusing "Suggestions" for "Recommendations" seems to be a pretty easy mistake, doubly so if they're ESL. Granted his account is one day old so he may have just stumbled onto this place.
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    Tricks Dedicated to Witches - Ch. 10 - The Devil’s Mark

    @codydub03 Do you have any citation on this? I've been digging through papers and, at best, I can only find this highly detailed blog about the medical understanding of twin births.
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    The Politics Megathread

    @BroederTrapist It isn't really silent if you make a post about it. Fuck I don't even think you used the correct punctuation for your RP. That's definitely supposed to be an asterisk enclosure not a parentheses one.
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    Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 2-bu 「Hon no Tamenara Miko ni Naru!」 - Vol. 3 Ch. 11 - The Orphanage …

    @ninjadork You use the term "Bastard Marxist Trio" or "BMT" which, when googled, turns up nothing, so I am assuming either you pulled that term out of your ass, or had someone else tell you that facism is at all associated with the other two. You can equally hate facism, socialism and...
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    The Politics Megathread

    @Richman It's true compared to most of the world's comparative republics and democracies. America's "first past the post" (i.e. first place is all that matters) voting style encourages people not to vote for things they believe in, but against things they don't believe in. This key difference...
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    Kaiju No. 8

    I like that the author has the decency to do subtle world building without just plot dumping in one huge load. We're just thrown into this world where Kaijus are a normal, deadly event that just so happens to occur to these people, on the same level as a natural disaster. No character just...
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    Tricks Dedicated to Witches - Ch. 10 - The Devil’s Mark

    I'm kind of hating that none of the guys in the church actually believe in what they're doing. I can understand if one or two of them was like that, just like the priest, but the entire work seems to be writing off the original witch trials as some elaborate political plot as opposed to plain...
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    Honzuki no Gekokujou ~Shisho ni Naru Tame ni wa Shudan wo Erandeiraremasen~ Dai 2-bu 「Hon no Tamenara Miko ni Naru!」 - Vol. 3 Ch. 11 - The Orphanage …

    @ninjadork I don't even like Marx, but I can't tell if you're retarded. Feel free to be opposed to both Facism and Socialism, but you should really form your opinions from actually reading the works of those you hate as opposed to get told what those works say by someone else.