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  1. Axel


    Hello editor...i see that you are not doing this anymore...or maybe not, but i wanted know that if can continue doing this. i have found rar files to Photoshop it for you and continue the series for you.
  2. Axel


    @jaeparku for what?
  3. Axel


    @skeith467 yes i notice, and thank you for telling me. i have being noticing that a lot as well, i'll make sure to keep this in mind.
  4. Axel


    that's how they colored it, not me.
  5. Axel


    Hope you all enjoy it.
  6. Axel

    Request for group takeover

    hello there the names is axel gonna be doing some scanlation for the dragon ball manga colored version
  7. Axel

    Dragon Ball (Official Colored)

    just putting them up here, just in case the other manga site gets taken down...yes this are viz media translation. just want to spread this out for people who want to read it. if i you think i should stop this, then i will.
  8. Axel

    Dragon Ball (Official Colored)

    got you my friend...ill make sure to do all of them, from time i will disappear, but no longer then a week.
  9. Axel

    Dragon Ball (Official Colored)

    If you ever want to Help translated this is My Discord: not a terry main yet#5357 Ill be Waiting for you my friend.
  10. Axel


    you want to help translate well this is my discord name not a terry main yet#5357
  11. Axel


    im not sure what u mean bro, just take what u can get if u can read it theres no issue
  12. Axel

    Dragon Ball (Official Colored)

    i hope they do but theirs only for the saiyan arc and half the freezer arc.
  13. Axel

    Dragon Ball (Official Colored)

    in which chapter? also i dont edit this, i just upload them....i found them so gotta show em to the world.