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    Persona 5 the Animation: Dengeki Comic Anthology - Vol. 1 Ch. 11 - Panic Glasses

    buff sojiro is simultaneously my wet dream and my nightmare
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    Tsurenai Kanojo wo Tsuru Houhou - Oneshot

    I always say morning instead of good morning Because if it were a good morning I’d be fishing
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    Let's Meet at the Witches' Gathering - Ch. 8 - Okama Witch and Tomboy-chan

    @BungouAkatsuki There’s also the trope of extremely slender and feminine transwomen
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    Why Naitou - Vol. 3 Ch. 25

    Thanks for picking this up, I knew I wasn’t gonna die without seein this fully scanlated
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    Oversimplified SCP - Ch. 142 - SCP-3275

    he just sounds like a perfectly normal guy that looks pretty tired
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    Ghost Stories - Ch. 2 - Opposite Mirrors

    re turn to monke
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    Shiotaiou no Sato-san ga Ore ni dake Amai - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    oh boy i can't wait for 134 more chapters of this
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    Looking for this time slip manga i remember reading

    @justforthelulz, thank god i thought this was just a fever dream i had the whole time
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    Looking for this time slip manga i remember reading

    It had this guy who timeslips and finds out he's married to the most popular girl in the school and then more girls keep joining in, and his future keeps changing i think at the end he tells her not to go to africa or else she's gonna get malaria, they end up getting married and living happily...
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    Unlucky Boy, Undead Girl

    happy to see adachi found someone
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    Suenagaku Yoroshiku Onegai Shimasu

    where did all the chapters go i could've of sworn there were 3 chapters here
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    Shinomiya Kouta wa Mada Shinenai -Border of the Dead- - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

    being a lolicon is objectively bad
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    Hanazono-sanchi no Futago-chan

    i hope this ends within 70 chapters