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  1. Kurama-senpai

    Kanojo, Hitomishirimasu - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    poor little Sumi 😂 that was just too much I just had to laugh 😂
  2. Kurama-senpai

    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 8 Ch. 87

    She just doesn't like to be the cute one in there... xd
  3. Kurama-senpai

    Kono Koi wa Fukami-kun no Plan ni wa Nai - Vol. 3 Ch. 29

    Damn, I need to know the end... I will just go sleep for 5 days and when I wake up, there will be the next chapter
  4. Kurama-senpai

    Kaette Kudasai! Akutsu-san - Vol. 3 Ch. 55

    next chap "its not that small... it is not small AT ALL!!!! (^///^)I want to see it again!"
  5. Kurama-senpai

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 21 Ch. 278 - Boarding

    @Nihilist1 Fair enough... I was wondering that too and I think we will see her sometime in near future, but I won't dare to guess the reactions... That is exactly what got me a bit tilted... It was so nice to look at how they get closer, step by step, without any danger (no boy would ever dare...
  6. Kurama-senpai

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 21 Ch. 278 - Boarding

    @Nihilist1 I know it's been explained, his "dark" past... but if he would just put 2 and 2 together... 2-she GAVE him chocolate 2-she gave it to him in private, even troubled herself to go to his house... don't be dense...and him, thinking that Komi might like him have nothing to do with him...
  7. Kurama-senpai

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 21 Ch. 278 - Boarding

    okayyyy.... just binged the whole thing in 24 hours and I have to say as I did in a comment once before... IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR 2 GIRLS TO LIKE SAME BOY AND BE FRIENDS... next up, he is too dense that it hurt my eyes, lowering himself when he is literally average- that's LITERALLY SYNONYM of...
  8. Kurama-senpai

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 17 Ch. 233 - Festival Date 2

    first of all... IMPOSSIBLE for one girl, anyhow friendly she might be with the second girl, to cheer on her when they like the same person... IMPOSSIBLE I say... nothing like that can ever happen, not in million years... and damn he is so dense... he lacks pair seriously, thinking he is out of...
  9. Kurama-senpai


    retard, seriously
  10. Kurama-senpai


    Tadano's case is a problem for every guy on earth XD
  11. Kurama-senpai


    Ehhhh saved girl becoming rival, I don't like it at all... and it will be like "we are friends , i will tell you, its him..." and komi be like "i cant tell her i like him too now"-in her mind ... damn it just not this please
  12. Kurama-senpai

    Cyclops Shoujo Saipu~ - Vol. 4 Ch. 120 - Outnumbered

    ahahahha she got roasted by all of them XD poor sensei, but she could have stayed out of it if it's technically not her problem... :/
  13. Kurama-senpai

    The Story of a Waitress and Her Customer - Ch. 21

    poor guy... not knowing what is going on in the main scene... you will find someone better
  14. Kurama-senpai

    Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Vol. 21 Ch. 208 - The Shirogane Family

    @Jockpo523 You mean what if Shirogane's mother is actually Shinomya's stepmother? Maybe she married into their family after she left with Kei (she wanted a more successful man and a more comfortable life after all), and here, Shinomya encouraged her to run away, what she doesn't remember for...
  15. Kurama-senpai

    I Time-Traveled and Confessed to My Teacher Crush - Vol. 3 Ch. 32

    That guy in the background saw everything or was he there only so we will notice him? XD also, dunno if this "how to turn on your gf" process work unless you have insane monkey-legs skill
  16. Kurama-senpai

    Is It Okay to Touch Mino-san There? - Vol. 2 Ch. 34

    What? That's it? No more? What a pity...
  17. Kurama-senpai

    Sore wa Rei no Shiwaza desu - Vol. 2 Ch. 15 - Important things

    Every romcom needs this ghost. Srsly EVERY. ONE. OF. OTHEM.
  18. Kurama-senpai

    Zense Coupling - Vol. 7 Ch. 55.5 - 10 Years Later

    This was really amazing, thank you so much for translating all of this!