“Im a healer that can only use <Heal>”
Then maybe you’re not a healer. You’re probably a different class but can use heal idiot. Why’d they even let this guy in their party to begin with if he can only use heal?
@johnnoot ive got some news for you then. Look at the related manga
@WhisCalifa69 theres more than just two types of main characters bud. It’s not just edgy boy or whiny simp. If people want a better main character then they are allowed to say that. If people want to trash on a character...
I cant believe the final chapters of this manga will be wasted on Iris. I don’t hate her or anything but she’s definitely not the reason I’ve been reading this manga
@brainman nah its cuz he does a yuri romance comedy also. Plus the art for this series was a bit rough at first so its likely the artist just got better at this art style after a while. Hentai artists are usually really good from the beginning.