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  1. miyako19

    Oishinbo - Vol. 14 Ch. 129 - Lemons & Health

    Serve you right, Tomii. Honestly, I never like him. He is way more despicable than Yuzan.
  2. miyako19

    Cooking Papa - Vol. 2 Ch. 24 - Omurice of youngful days

    They are both married. Go to a temple and cleanse your head
  3. miyako19

    Oishinbo - Vol. 14 Ch. 128 - Taste of Saury

    I had a chance to eat saury years ago but it had a very fishy smell. I don't know if it was me or the restaurant but I didn't find saury delicious at all.
  4. miyako19

    Tougen Anki - Vol. 19 Ch. 163 - Carrying

    You forgot that the Momo have been indoctrinated since birth that Oni are evil and needed to be exterminated. In the Momo's eyes, killing Oni, even children are justified. They are the "good guys" that are protecting normal humans from evil Oni, just like in the original folktale, Momotaro. And...
  5. miyako19

    Tougen Anki - Vol. 19 Ch. 163 - Carrying

    From what I see, the Momo are just victims of the bloodline they were born into. They were indoctrinated since birth that Oni are evil, dangerous and needed to be exterminated. You should remember that in the eyes of society, the Momo are the good guys that are protecting normal humans from Oni...
  6. miyako19

    Tougen Anki - Vol. 19 Ch. 160 - The First Time

    Your thinking is just too shallow. Are you willing to have blood on your hand yourself? Shiki was just a normal teenager recently. He said it himself that he still thought of this as a game and hasn't awoken to the reality that this is a war. He knows that the director is a bad guy and needed to...
  7. miyako19

    Tougen Anki - Vol. 19 Ch. 160 - The First Time

    You forgot that he can control his gun power enough to not kill anyone. And Momo are way more resilient than normal humans so they don't die easily. Right in the first chapter, a Momo got hit by a car but he is completely fine. Unless Shiki intended to kill, the shots from his guns can't kill...
  8. miyako19

    Tougen Anki - Vol. 19 Ch. 160 - The First Time

    Future husband? Are you one of those disgusting delusional fujoshi? Shiki has expressed many times that he like girls.
  9. miyako19

    Tougen Anki - Vol. 20 Ch. 171 - The Hidden Face

    You are just plain wrong and are only looking at this manga at a shallow level. The Momo aren't just plain bad guys. In some ways, they are the victims of the bloodline they are born into. They were indoctrinated since birth that Oni are dangerous and needed to be exterminated. Any Momo...
  10. miyako19

    Tougen Anki - Vol. 20 Ch. 171 - The Hidden Face

    You are wrong, though. Tsubakiri hated the Oni because of the death of his friend abd his family. Shinya only cared about climbing the ladder because of how people looked down on him due to his ability. Kusabi didn't care for anything except his research, he was a true mad-scientist. And if you...
  11. miyako19

    Tougen Anki - Vol. 20 Ch. 175 - Water

    I read the raw and the Momos have an inronclad rule that Momos cannot kill each other. They are an organization with rules and anyone who doesn't follow them will get disposed. They can talk trash about each other but cannot outright have any physical fight.
  12. miyako19

    Oishinbo - Vol. 14 Ch. 122 - Delicacies of the Northern Sea

    Nah. They said that they ate too much sea urchins that they are sick of it.
  13. miyako19

    Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House - Vol. 28 Ch. 302 - Fruits of Effort

    I feel sad about Kenta's baseball career after reading this chapter. He practiced so much from when he was just a little kid and his dream got shattered. I am glad that he found another dream but it still leaves a bitter taste.
  14. miyako19

    Kiyo in Kyoto: From the Maiko House - Vol. 28 Ch. 301 - Kenta Is Dedicated

    To be honest, Kiyo's cooking is only on the standard of home-cooking. All of her dishes are ones that anyone can make at home. Her level is nowhere near an actual chef. Just from this chapter, we can see how complicated the process for the omelet sauce is. The ones Kenta measure himself by is...
  15. miyako19

    Mao - Ch. 250 - Blood and Earth

    Going nowhere? Now that Daigo is revived, the battle that was stopped 900 years ago resumed. The Byoki wants all of them to fight each other until the last man standing.
  16. miyako19

    Kyou no Ashura Meshi - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Uneven Rice Balls

    You misunderstood the author. She doesn't have any ED. She just had an unhealthy diet. Packing left-overs from dinner for lunch is no good. Also, being fat and happy never ever go together. Being fat leads to many health complications and illnesses. Fat people will soon feel the negative effects...
  17. miyako19

    Kyou no Ashura Meshi - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Lighter Than a Feather, Heavier Than a Fist Chiffon Cake

    Being fat isn't fine. It leads to many illnesses and dying young. The Western mindset of thinking being overweight is fine is just wrong and disturbing. Do you want kids to die young or have many health complications when they get older? Being fat leads to diabetes and diabetes wreck the body hard.
  18. miyako19

    Kyou no Ashura Meshi - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Pig, Asura, and Ground Meat Cutlet

    Fat isn't healthy. Why are Westerners so obsessed with the idea that being fat is fine and fat people are beautiful? That is just wrong. Being fat just leads to illnesses and dying young.
  19. miyako19

    Jashin-chan Dropkick - Vol. 22 Ch. 244 - Private Beach 3 (Part 2)

    You can't eat shark straight up like that. Shark meat contains ammonia which is toxic and stinky. There are people finding ways to remove the ammonia but it took days.