Takao's sister is gonna go nuts lmao
Plot twist, Sakura collected Kazama's hair from when he got a haircut, and will use them as a needle shower to break free
Yes its a self insert. This character gives hope to other spineless japanese males that they can get girls drooling over them when they're nothing but cowardly cucks
I can see Fissel being a spellsword with focus on magic, implementing sword techniques to enhance her magical combat.
While Myui a spellsword with a focus on the sword, implementing magic to enhance her swordsmanship techniques.
Like Kosuke's 2D waifus, Ibarada is clearly being tsundere.
Kosuke just started spinning things in a romantic direction, Ibarada only just relieved her trauma.
She needs more time and effort from Kosuke to properly be rehabilitated for a romantic relationship.
Also, Kanade's love for...
There's no way Kanade referred to her teacher simply by his name Takahashi
I understand removing the suffixes to match the anime subs or localizing or whatever, while I'm not a fan of it, it should at least be Mr. Takahashi