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  1. murkmurks

    Time sinker games?

    GTA Online, i been playing on and off since launch and it wasnt until recently i got bored of it. The worst best game i ever played.
  2. murkmurks

    I can talk now, and I haven't made a thread in a while.

    anything with cute girls that are funny
  3. murkmurks


  4. murkmurks

    Pineapple Pizza?

    i would say no but it would be hypocritical of me because i like pineapples on tacos de al pastor
  5. murkmurks

    what do u use to learn?

    what do u use to learn?
  6. murkmurks

    Luckily for us new panty and stocking is coming out soon lmao

    Luckily for us new panty and stocking is coming out soon lmao
  7. murkmurks

    i love blondies

    i love blondies
  8. murkmurks

    Best pizza toppings.

    people put avocado in their pizzas??!?
  9. murkmurks

    Surreal dream you had last night

    Had a dream about a gummy bear stabbing another gummy bear and I woke up genuinely scared lol
  10. murkmurks

    What are the stories behind your username and avatar.

    My favorite pokemon is murkrow so I use any misspelled or shortened variation of it
  11. murkmurks

    I genuinely forgot about the existence of gun gale online 2

    I genuinely forgot about the existence of gun gale online 2
  12. murkmurks

    I feel like I jinxed it cus now my bedroom is even colder

    I feel like I jinxed it cus now my bedroom is even colder
  13. murkmurks

    It’s cold

    It’s cold
  14. murkmurks

    Everyone hates twilight but the gender-swapped version (life and death) basically sounds like a...

    Everyone hates twilight but the gender-swapped version (life and death) basically sounds like a anime lol
  15. murkmurks

    Least favorite anime ending?

    toradora, i expected way more than a gag but the ending of the ova kinda helps.
  16. murkmurks

    Why do you have a fetish?

    Idk I woke up one day and thought boobs and thighs were so awesome and stuck with it
  17. murkmurks

    Ratchet deadlocked

    Ratchet deadlocked
  18. murkmurks

    so far i like "Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon suru Koto ni Natta" its a bit corny but...

    so far i like "Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon suru Koto ni Natta" its a bit corny but honestly thats i was looking for atm
  19. murkmurks

    Waht're some of your fictional crushes (any media)

    Marie Rose from the dead or alive series, she can beat my dumbass any time 😍
  20. murkmurks

    any games that you know aren't super good but you still like alot ?

    ratchet and clank size matters the enemies are bullet sponges, the controls are ass since the psp only had a one thumbstick, and just not as good compared to the mainline r&c console games but for some reason i still like it and consider it as a top 3 for me