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  1. Voyvoy_

    Maze at Midnight - Vol. 1 Ch. 2.3 - Good Night (Part 3 of 3)

    Do you need help with the other chapters?
  2. Voyvoy_

    VAMPIRE - Oneshot

    Vc tem que ter um nível specifico de gay e fã de maruo para entender esse kkkk
  3. Voyvoy_

    Ichiban Kowai Hanashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Tears of a Fish

    It was probably the anime "Kaidan Restaurant"! it is is based on a kid's book series of the same name. Surprisingly scary at times too
  4. Voyvoy_

    Children, Don't Play with Ghosts!

    This and Gokiburi no Ie are really unique amongst Inuki's older works because they don't focus on children, since these were published in Ladies' Comics magazine instead of the typical shoujo magazines she tended to be in
  5. Voyvoy_

    M Collection - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - Devil's Invitation

    LOVE THE REFERENCES TO ALL THE OLDER WORKS!!!! I wonder if Hino ever intended to make this his last work... it is the manga with all of his favorite motifs, it feels like the most Hino thing ever...
  6. Voyvoy_

    Horror Anthology Comic: Blindside - Vol. 1 Ch. 8 - Caged Bird (Osada Not)

    Don't get why people disliked this one, gorgeous artwork and a well told story... Osada Not is very strong when it comes to visuals
  7. Voyvoy_

    Umareru Seibetsu wo Machigaeta! - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - The Differences Between Men and Women

    Wow! this is a really helpful way to explain it
  8. Voyvoy_

    Yoshimi Seki Horror Collection

    What are you talking about crazy shit has been widely publicized since the invention of newspapers lol, and these are from the 90s
  9. Voyvoy_

    Yoshimi Seki Horror Collection - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - The Mystery of Masochism

    Original title literally means "The Labyrinth of Self-harm" *She
  10. Voyvoy_

    TV SHOPPING - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Small Face

    I believe Hikida is based on this idol
  11. Voyvoy_

    M Collection - Vol. 3 Ch. 14 - Rotten Brain

    Holy peak I LOVE HINO
  12. Voyvoy_

    The Dress - Oneshot

  13. Voyvoy_

    100 Ghost Stories That Will Lead to My Own Death - Ch. 95 - That Shrine

    Reminded me a bit of the Kanako Inuki manga about the woman who births and raises a "rock" as a baby after visiting a shrine
  14. Voyvoy_

    13 Peoples Short Suspense & Horror - Vol. 1 Ch. 14 - Blood Covered Snowman

    Tanima Yumeji's stories are meant to have a sort of fever dream like feel to it, she was a horror comedy author after all
  15. Voyvoy_

    Tingling Boy - Oneshot

    Incredible how it seems like no one in this thread has heard of the concept of bisexuality lol
  16. Voyvoy_


    A shitty ecchi comedy disguised as a shitty doraemon parody
  17. Voyvoy_

    Collapse of the World as We Know It - Ch. 5 - Doll's Funeral

    Literally stolen straight from Junji Ito
  18. Voyvoy_

    Soul Diver Saga: Nirvana - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Would Internet Archive be okay?
  19. Voyvoy_

    M Collection - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Mr. Manhole

    Beautiful! I expected it to be more like "Mermaid in the Manhole" than "Mermaid"