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  1. Kernel608

    Toilet-bound Hanako-kun

    Haha since theres 7 "mysteries" and Hanako is considered their leader...then couldn't he be called the "Lord of the Mysteries"?? haha "Lord of Mysteries; King of Space-Time; Beacon of Destiny; Embodiment of Sefirah Castle; Dominator of the Spirit World" “The Immortal Lord of Heaven and Earth...
  2. Kernel608

    Witch Craft Works - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Takamiya-kun And The Witch With Animal Ears

    "The stand user could be anyone!!!" Also the stand users in question:
  3. Kernel608

    Kasanegasane no Hatsukoi Desuga - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Why the hell does this dude look exactly like Rentarou that can't be a coincidence right
  4. Kernel608

    Otomege Sekai wa Mob ni Kibishii Sekai desu - Vol. 11 Ch. 53 - Fight For My Sake

    Happiness is achieved through purpose, not success or consumption. Thank you for coming to my anti-capitalist/anti-consumerism Ted Talk.
  5. Kernel608

    The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor - Vol. 2 Ch. 63

    .......oh wait it doesn't?!??! my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
  6. Kernel608

    Gal Yome no Himitsu

    checks no harem tag? phew! to be honest I'm not even against it this just doesn't seem like the right setting for it
  7. Kernel608

    TEKNO: Sci-Fi Shonen Manga!

    the trolling is insane in the comments here
  8. Kernel608

    Zom 100 ~100 Things I Want to do Before I Become a Zombie~

    probably the last place i would expect to see anti-capitalist social commentary? very much welcomed though
  9. Kernel608

    All Hail the Sect Leader

    I think the mc has 8th grader syndrome but with all the lamp shading it’s pretty hilarious
  10. Kernel608

    Gokusotsu Kraken

    Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)?????
  11. Kernel608

    Das Kapital (Variety Artworks)

    Holy shet this is beautifully done, its interesting and understandable while still retaining the basic knowledge
  12. Kernel608

    Mato Seihei no Slave

  13. Kernel608

    Mato Seihei no Slave

    chapter 14 jojo reference.....jojo reference! AAHHHHHHHHH
  14. Kernel608

    Sakamoto Days

    nah takamura just died! noooooooooo....
  15. Kernel608

    I Am the Fated Villain

    those fists are Rated E for everyone bro ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA OR- also i might've felt bad for Ye Chen if it weren't for the fact that he acts like an arrogant snob when our MC is the "villian", though that might just be a different framing of things
  16. Kernel608

    Locker Room

    dam i got confused cuz i read this cuz i thought takamura from Sakamoto days was gonna be init
  17. Kernel608

    Tensei Shitara Dainana-ouji Dattanode, Kimama ni Majutsu wo Kiwamemasu

    Bro I clicked because of the premise and the cool looking dude on the cover of vol 15 Instead I got a gay ass lookin midget of a twink