Turkish eunuchs have their dicks completely removed. It's kinda brutal because the operation is done in two stages. In the first stage the balls are removed, then in the second stage the dick is cut off at the root.
Most eunuchs have their dicks removed. The only exceptions were in some...
Oh, this chapter suggests that Sentarou might have a misunderstanding about how the demon works. It doesn't put something in Sentarou's mouth. Stuff gets into his mouth because he is the demon, or at least the demon's physical home.
Ah, yes... Cool being a mangaka of culture was going to pop up eventually.
It's like a straight-up challenge to KyoAni. How ya gonna animate THIS arc now? Huh?
After the twin murders and the lightning strike I was expecting their magic to be more direct, but this chapter shows that it's actually some sort of probability manipulation.
I keep wondering if this is somehow a Mormon reference.
For those not in the know, the Book of Mormon depicts ancient Americans riding horses centuries before horses were introduced to the continent by European colonists. So one of the Mormon apologists tried to wrangle out of it by saying...
Thank you for the translation. It's too bad Motoo Koyama is effectively retired now. I just wish Moka could have kept her popularity like Ranma and Lum did.
With that said, I can sadly see why Nariyuki got cut. It just doesn't have the level of lore and worldbuilding and the interesting...
Hototogisu bird or clam and sparrow? The latter is easier to understand because it was already explained two chapters ago: clams are a symbol of marriage and the sparrow is said to turn into a clam in winter, so she's still in the process of deciding on her feelings for Jinya. Is she still a...
So, we've already known before that Kaya's basically a nuke with a child's brain as her guidance system, which is why she's weak against the less-obvious spirits that require some thinking to resolve. However, this time she managed to figure out the trick after using the charm. I wonder if it's...