"Like the Library of Alexandria"
Not sure if you want to copy that, my dude.
Seriously you have a kingdom, hurry up nad advance to the iron age already. Rush for eletricity and industrial era is a must.
Something I just thought about now but Alpha just believed some random boy that is barely 11 years of age on a story that sounds made up...
I get she is also a teenager but still wouldn't the most logical be to think the kid was playing believe instead of it being the truth from a very prodigius...
I don't remember anyone liking the censoring of anime in the 90's and a lot of people talked about it, just wasn't as visible ebcuase the internet was not as big with the normies as it is now.
Not being separeted from her family was aprt of the contract for her to work in the church, that they get to break said contract (which was a magic contract BTW) and suffer no consequence still bothers me.