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  1. K

    The Savory Girl

    Just get her fucking vaccinated already...God I can't take this filler drama with this b**** as the one sided antagonist
  2. K

    Shoujo and the Back Alley

    If you haven't turned away by page 11, then I don't know how you can sleep at night. It's the rape of a 6th grader....that's it. I'm supportive of artistic creations, but this should not have been made.
  3. K

    Official "Test" Manga

    What....NO! I'm sorry to all those who have a thing for this....but this shouldn't have been made, let alone published! Ignoring the art and animated style here, because it doesn't matter how good you try to make this's just the raping of a kid for 7 chapters (That Loli argument can...
  4. K

    The Savory Girl

    If this manga has an 8, then what the hell is rated lower than this?! Honestly only reason I'm keeping up with this is because it's funny as hell and not in a good way. I'm pretty sure the last chapter proves just how damn crazy everyone is here, nothing makes sense, there's no meaning behind...