Search results

  1. kouyo

    Kang Scan [Completed]

    Yet another spanish scan group, this one has a few relevant titles that might be nice to reupload to MD Please upload to We have a nice tool for downloading chapters...
  2. kouyo

    SOS Scanlation [Completed]

    Inactive Spanish group with few known titles. Please upload to We have a nice tool for downloading chapters from TMO, please use it...
  3. kouyo

    Zet Destination Scans [Completed]

    Inactive Spanish group with good amount of well-known titles. Please upload to We have a nice tool for downloading chapters from TMO, please use it...
  4. kouyo

    Waiting for User One Piece - Digital Colored Comics - Chapter 683 (PowerManga) - Missing pages There are 3 missing pages after page 9 and before page 10. Please find them.
  5. kouyo

    Waiting for User Himekei Doll - Nagareboshi Manga Chapter 4 - Missing page 32 After fixing corrupted images in this chapter, page 32 turned out to not be a valid image. Please find the missing page and I'll edit it in.
  6. kouyo

    Otome Girls Fansub [Completed

    Spanish group. Please upload to Download tool for TMO:
  7. kouyo

    Kami no Dragon Scan [Completed]

    Yup, another one. This group also seemed to do some manhuas and manhwas, besides the obvious. They don't have many popular titles, but still worth reuploading. Please upload to this group...
  8. kouyo

    Einherjar Scans [Completed]

    Hi, so here is another Spanish scan group. Apparently there are plenty that have disbanded, and like before, this group only used to upload to TMO. Please upload to this group...
  9. kouyo

    NeoProject Scanlation [Completed]

    Hi again, yet another big scan group from the spanish community with a significant number of translated titles has closed. Like before, this group only seemed to upload to TMO, however, in their Facebook page they also seem to provide links to GDrive folders for specific series containing if not...
  10. kouyo

    Blackhole Scans [Completed]

    Sadly, this spanish group only uploaded to TMO (spanish aggregator), so we don't have a better option to download their chapters. Most of them will be in a questionable quality. They've worked in a fairly large number of popular titles, so reuploading their chapters to MD is a must...
  11. kouyo

    [ESP] Activar la interfaz en español (Guía)

    Gracias a la actualización del 13 de Junio de 2023, MangaDex ahora cuenta con una traducción al español para su interfaz. Cabe destacar que al momento de estar redactando esta guía, aun la traducción está incompleta. Sin embargo, cuando esta esté completa, actualizaré este post. 1. Dirígete al...
  12. kouyo

    [ESP] Crear una nueva ficha (Guía)

    Esta guía será la más extensa debido a que intentaré abarcar todos los aspectos al momento de crear una ficha de forma detallada para evitar que tengas problemas a futuro. Antes de continuar, asegúrate de tener una cuenta registrada y verificada. 0. Verifica que la ficha NO EXISTE en MangaDex...
  13. kouyo

    [Mainsite] Weird behaviour when sent to next chapter [Fixed]

    So, I don't have much info about how this bug happens, but I'll try to provide as many info I can. (I'm also not sure if this is related to the current issues the site has been going thru though) Sometimes when I reach the end of a chapter and I'm supposed to get sent to the next one, I don't...
  14. kouyo

    Option to turn on/off data saver on the reader

    Sometimes you don't feel bothered enough to go directly to the user settings to just turn on an option that you will disable after a short period of time. So have a button to turn it on and off directly on the reader's side bar will be really convenient. Somewhere in here:
  15. kouyo

    [Mainsite] Turn pages by scrolling mouse wheel won't work under certain conditions.

    There's a weird behaviour with this setting: when you reach the bottom of a page, the reader will not go to the next page. This bug seems to happen on any image fit mode and any page layout, however if you set the image fit mode to "no limit" it works as it should. This bug doesn't happen in...
  16. kouyo

    [ESP] Filtros de lenguaje y cómo usarlos (Guía)

    MangaDex te permite filtrar el contenido disponible en el sitio. Esto es especialmente útil si quieres ver únicamente, por ejemplo, capítulos únicamente en español e inglés o para solo ver fichas de obras de origen japonés. Para utilizar los filtros no es necesario que tengas una cuenta...
  17. kouyo

    [ESP] Lista de roles/Requisitos/FAQ

    Banned: Baneado. Unverified: Cuentas que aún no han verificado su correo. User/Member: Una cuenta normal. Group Member: Miembro de un grupo. Group Leader: Lider de Grupo, éste requiere al menos un capítulo traducido y que reclames tu grupo a través de la página del grupo. Este rol te da derechos...
  18. kouyo

    [ESP] Guía para reportar - Cómo solicitar cambios en una página en MangaDex

    Utiliza el botón de reporte () en el manga/capítulo/autor/grupo y explica qué cambios quieres que se hagan, incluyendo pruebas de que la petición que haces es correcta. Si estás reportando un gran número de capítulos por tener el número de volumen incorrecto, por favor, envía un único reporte...
  19. kouyo

    [ESP] Diagnostico básico de problemas al acceder al sitio

    Este hilo no es particularmente útil si no puedes acceder a MangaDex en primer lugar, esta guía estará aquí con el mero objetivo de quedar archivada y que sea más fácil de encontrar. Si usas Discord, tenemos un servidor completamente en español dedicado a MangaDex, allí podrás encontrar esta...
  20. kouyo

    [ESP] Crear grupo/scanlation (Guía)

    Antes de continuar con la guía, asegúrate de tener una cuenta registrada y verificada. Sigue estos pasos: 1. Ve a la barra lateral izquierda y haz click en el + al lado de "Groups" 2. Rellena la información A continuación, se explica cada valor que puedes rellenar: Group Name Group Delay...