I get the thematic idea that Waikaki with the princess but Claudia kinda comes across as the "white woman be like" meme.
I mean come on, she lives a life that none of us will have ever have and yes the concept of a character having everything and still being unhappy is as old as time but she is married to a billionaire, royalty, and can travel by herself despite this. Yeah it's cool that she is a lesbian and all and can't get with her due to her obligations, but it feels like a subversion for subversions sake and it kinda misses the target audience of the young lonely people of Japan and the world.
Oohara having no interests at all fucking pisses me off to. It's just this motherfucker and a cat no passion at all. Like bro do you play mobile games or watch something on tv or have anything interesting about you besides your family. FFS. Waikaki made TWOGK and 16-bit sensation. He can fucking do better