I didn’t under half of what he said.
Yeah, let’s just use willpower to grow a foot back!
My Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome will go away if I just try really hard to not have it!
Brain structure is entirely about bootstraps!
Depression is for the weak!
All I have to do is have the right attitude and my ancestors won’t have inbred from 500BCE through the 1700s!
My genes are in my own hands!
F off.
And you either believe in strict determinism or not. Free will isn’t an attitude. It’s a philosophical concept that’s been deconstructed for a couple millennia and with modern physics we can argue about macro scale determinism, subatomic randomness and supermacro mysteries like dark matter and how all of this effects the possibility of anything that happens not being just a matter of cause and effect from the Big Bang.
But it’s not “git gud at feeling powerful” or whatever.