nothing special about the story but i keep reading it since the artist who drawing for this LN (and manga too i guess ?) are one of my favorite H manga ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Alexander28: Speak for yourself. I read it for both. Yes, I enjoy the artwork as much as any other guy, but I genuinely am enjoying the story as well.
Am I the only one overwhelmed with all these text boxes? I feel like the mangaka really needs to learn to trim down on them a little. The art is so good but every page I get flooded with textwalls. There's often stuff I feel like could be skipt to make the flow of reading better.
I, for one, want to thank you for the translations! Knowing how difficult it is to do translations on a months basis with Japanese being a difficult language for native English speakers.
Don’t listen to the negative comments complaining about translation speed or frequency. If they can’t wait, fuck em 😁