Blood on the Tracks - Vol. 9 Ch. 75 - I am my Own Person

Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2020

She probably doesn't have any plan. I think she was so miserable that she sought a companion to share the pain, that's what her son is for her, a tool to relieve pain by dragging him to her world. But after awhile she just wants it to end, hence her wanting the truth about her crime to come out in the past chapters. In prison, she escapes all the hardship, she no longer see her husband's family that isolates her, she no longer has to see her own husband whom she seems to not love anymore, and finally her own child, her son whose life she destroyed. If anything, those she left behind are the one seeking closure from her.
Aug 20, 2018
I wonder how the lawyer is looking at seichi, can’t tell if it’s annoyance because his confession hurts his case, pity, or if she’s skeptical. This author is great at conveying these confusing facial expressions and unsaid things. Also I think this is the only manga I’ve read with themes of incest where the other things that happen actually seem worse than the incest.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 3, 2019
See now why this author had such an identity crisis and align so much with the trans community. Bro can't even affirm who he is as a person, has to have other people tell him. Even then, can he even draw his own conclusion? Mental illness
Active member
Mar 16, 2024
Lawyer lady is unclear on what her responsibilities in this case are. Her client(s) have confessed, and her job is not, as she said, to try to make sure that the criminal doesn't go to prison, but rather that they get a fair trial with a sensible punishment that fits the crime. As - in a perfect world - the job should be like that for any defense lawyer. You are not trying to get a criminal off free, you are there to make sure the prosecution doesn't overreach, in a sense.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 16, 2024
The father is a lot more torn up than I thought he'd be. He had always chosen his family over them, but now that she has admitted to pushing one of his family members of a cliff he wants to defend? I don't understand it tbh. May be feels guilty. That maybe if her defended Sei when he nearly got pushed off a cliff, Shigeru wouldn't have been pushed? I dunno

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