@jazz9 that's actually a great idea. And pills, as this is manga and you know that something will always go wrong. Need more redundancies!, as they always say.
Although all safeguards are moot, when they accidentally hold hands.
Good job lil bro! I don't think anyone can be that patient with someone that keeps saying they love you, and then not even want to kiss you after all this time even when she's also expecting kids from you in the future. It just makes you look like a psycho and/or friend with benefits.
Who knows, maybe it's the future where couples actually have great incentives to have kids to combat the low birth rates.
For all we know, Kishida might just as well have an obscure mutation that makes his sperm disintegrate latex, or that Kuno has a latex allergy, or any other plot-induced reasons, also no contraception is 100% safe.