Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy - Ch. 6

Fed-Kun's army
Dec 25, 2019
That's fucked.. I don't like that..
I hope it get's better..

Thank you so much for the chapter <3<3<3<3
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Man FUCK that bully. I don't care how internalized your homophobia is, that shit's not gonna fly. Get bent.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018

Isn't even Homophobia, she wants her attention, at any cost. In a deranged way that scar will be a permanent reminder of her 'affection'... I expect a mental breakdown when her 'crush' flees into the arms of another.
Dec 28, 2018
Waaa... the feelings in this.

There's always this fantasy that comes to mind for people who were harassed and bullied like this.
That one day you might be given a chance to confront and overcome your old bullies and then it actually happens and well...

You freeze.
May 27, 2019
Girl your in like your mid 20s aren't you over this also she's not that much stronger than you hit back I'd have more sympathy if she had shown she had grown or changed at all in 10 fucking years but no and I'm not just talking about the bullies I'm talking about everything I can understand not standing up to bullies even after so far down the line (trauma and all that) but she is letting everything play out exactly how it was before even though she knows the outcome (her crush dying) she hasn't even made an effort to get close to her to get to know her hell it hasn't even crossed her mind till this fucking chapter just why
Jun 15, 2019
I want to like this, but it's... getting increasingly more difficult to suspend my disbelief. Suyeon stands outside the door while someone they just helped is getting beat up, her friends decide to say "fuck it" and ditch her, even after dozens of missed calls, and the pair of girls in the bathroom — who were literally just talking about a student getting beat up — run away like they've seen a ghost upon hearing a girl crying. It's really starting to feel like the author is going out of their way to make this as traumatic as possible for... no real good reason.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
It's Korean Manhwa for you, adding drama on top of your drama because why not ? Seriously, will you really continue to love someone who have done nothing even if they've know that you're being bullied and physically harm ? Orange hair drifting more and more into the trash pile and past the point where a redemption will not save anything about her. Here she clearly just a bad Yandere because at least you can feel the love in a Yandere, here you can barely feel it. "Am i invisible ?" Oh girl, how much i wish it was true. YOU BULLY HER, even if she wanted she wouldn't forget you because of your dumb shit. Friends are a bit stupid "oh she doesn't respond after 10 calls, she is probably alright"and that's AFTER they freak out to hear she was at the infirmary. I don't know, you could just go the infirmary ? There is nothing that forbid you to. It's like every characters do its absolut best to be an idiot. But that's how most Korean manhwas are.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
On top of that, I thought she had 2 friends but now it's clear is just a friend and her friend's bf who is now feeling like the protagonist is in the way... Because of course, the protagonist needed one more enemy
Aggregator gang
Feb 23, 2020
God bless that my shy personality is outweighed by short temper so bullying was stopped before it broke me.
This mf beated up mc despite being with an injured hand, how big is her spite? Probably put force in it, too. And I feel while Eunha may have not become stronger in these years, the way she deals with her emotions should be different
Aug 2, 2019
Whats the point of going back 10years for? If the mc going tru this for the first time maybe i can feel sorry . But this is her 2nd time and with 29yo mentally on top of that. This is so stupid. -.-
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 24, 2023
Girl your in like your mid 20s aren't you over this also she's not that much stronger than you hit back I'd have more sympathy if she had shown she had grown or changed at all in 10 fucking years but no and I'm not just talking about the bullies I'm talking about everything I can understand not standing up to bullies even after so far down the line (trauma and all that) but she is letting everything play out exactly how it was before even though she knows the outcome (her crush dying) she hasn't even made an effort to get close to her to get to know her hell it hasn't even crossed her mind till this fucking chapter just why
It's not like she wanted to go back to the past. Also it's not like your personality changes much over 10 years, especially living a lie.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 24, 2023
It's Korean Manhwa for you, adding drama on top of your drama because why not ? Seriously, will you really continue to love someone who have done nothing even if they've know that you're being bullied and physically harm ? Orange hair drifting more and more into the trash pile and past the point where a redemption will not save anything about her. Here she clearly just a bad Yandere because at least you can feel the love in a Yandere, here you can barely feel it. "Am i invisible ?" Oh girl, how much i wish it was true. YOU BULLY HER, even if she wanted she wouldn't forget you because of your dumb shit. Friends are a bit stupid "oh she doesn't respond after 10 calls, she is probably alright"and that's AFTER they freak out to hear she was at the infirmary. I don't know, you could just go the infirmary ? There is nothing that forbid you to. It's like every characters do its absolut best to be an idiot. But that's how most Korean manhwas are.
They literally went to the infirmary? But she wasn't there, what should they do?
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 24, 2023
Victim blaming in its finest in the comment section. "sHe iS 29 hOw cAn ShE bEhAlVe LiKe ThAt" are saying the same to adults in abusive relationships?? Clowns...
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 19, 2023
Some of the comments here aren't giving me any vibes; you guys are so pathetic and stupid to blame the MC here. Yes, her mental age is 29, but for fuck sake, her physical form is 19 years old!!! If y'all keep complaining, just drop this manhwa. We must wait for progress and development here; go read something else. This manhwa is not for you if you expect a very fluffy and wholesome romance with drama.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 19, 2023
But wait, did Suyeon just stand there and do nothing????? Idk what to feel about that, or does she have a reason?
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