I had already read it in Spanish but waited for this one to say I'm happy to have been wrong! Heiji finally managed to confess I'm very happy for him and Kazuha \o/
This relationship progressing might also cause some things to the Ran/Shinchi relationship as well, I'm sure seeing them happily together will triggers those loneliness and longing pangs in them, good stuff overall in that regard~
This case itself however was...it certainly was something haha, I originally was losing my mind over the two officers chasing after the paper (The paper for a code that is in the public domain and that could be easily checked with a cellphone might I add) and just leaving Mr. Suspect alone even if for a few seconds but honestly considering he wanted to take the fall (how ironic) for the first crime it was perhaps unlucky for him that they didn't notice him tamper with that body. No, what bothers me was indeed the perfect angle tablet trick because even ignoring the fact everyone that went to check on him was different heights the fact that no one approached him the second time (when they heard the scream) or noticed it is bizarre, the fact he didn't actually physically go to bed for that one is as well there's no reason to wait behind boxes even if the scream would seem closer; if anyone saw the tablet, if they for example went to get him to wake up because it sounds like there's trouble, or for some ungodly reason decided to check around the veranda as another saw the body or if more than 1 and a half pint worth of people had gathered there he might have not had a chance to blend in and later kill Not-Iori and at that point his plan would be ruined...
Though I suppose one could attribute this luck to the power of love, used in a twisted manner; It at least becomes a little less aggravating if you do.
Cool to see them use gallium to weaken aluminum though, I learned that one from LockPickingLawyer and I always like the Conan episodes that have cool trivia like that so I'm glad stuff like that's never going away!