So his father was a romcom protagonist lmao
Young men who sought medical treatment from doctors for HRPD (Heritable RomCom Protagonist Disease) were 63% less likely for it to progress to the potentially-fatal variant known as AYS (Acquired Yandere Syndrome), sometimes known as "Nice Boat Syndrome".
Unlike Acquired RomCom Disease, or ARD, which is thought to be a combination of genetic factors and an environmental trigger—sometimes termed an "Inciting Magical Girlfriend" (IMG), HRPD is now known to be an X-chromosome linked disease. As males only have one copy of the X chromosome, they are much more likely to suffer the effects of HRPD, color blindness, and genre blindness. Females expressing HRPD symptoms do exist, but it requires a young woman inherit two faulty copies of the X chromosome. This rarer female expression is thus sometimes known as "Tohru Honda's Disease".
The exact mechanisms of action of both HRPD and ARD are not well understood. Conventional wisdom suggests pheromones, but as apes (including humans) lack the Jacobson's organ/Vomeronasal organ in the nose needed to smell and react to pheromones, this is doubtful.