A vampire high lord isn’t supposed to be stronger than the demon lord or god that they fought before and they should be able to win easily specially with the cock ability to destroy vampires but i feel that something gonna go wrong.
@Sep10trion if i'm not mistaken from the novel, she's still sick, so she can't come out and greet Luck when he go to the castle or coming together with them raiding High Lord nest...
but she gonna appear later on next arc....
BTW, if anyone wants to read a fun book about a retired adventuring party getting back together for one more quest, check out "Kings of the Wyld" by Nicholas Eames.
His 2 friends haven't been fighting for at most the number of years since he was on the other side. I hope they at least stretch before they pull a muscle.
@Luca44 Exactly. This shouldn't even be that difficult for him but something is most likely to happen to make it more interesting(dumb).