I hate loving short chapter

Oct 30, 2018
Short chapter usually leave a bad after taste, as if something was missing. They are to short to describe a situation or they leave hole in the story.

But despite that there is still time when I appreciate them: "You just went through a long day and you have to wake up early tomorrow, but fuck it all, you need your daily chapter. Open mangadex, to your follow zone and open, in a new tab all unread chapter. One. Deux, trece. You are tired, it's way past one o'clock you wake up at six and you have sixteen new tab..." Yeah! I wish you some shorts chapters!
Aug 7, 2019
yep. I do the same sometimes, just want a quick read before starting the day or something else and look for likely ones with short chapters. My problem is too many shouldn't be short and are cut into sections. I'm looking for short chapters that should be short.

I think it depends on the story type and feel. For most stories I think short chapters are bad. It's like trying to read a sentence that has been cut into four parts and put on separate pages, it is just irritating. However some do fit a short type. Fluff or lighthearted ones often fit the short chapter mode well. And oddly enough they usually fit my mood too when I'm looking for a short chapter. Can't remember the exact name, something like I don't understand my sisters friend. It had short chapters and was excellent, pre-serialization, that is. The short chapters worked really well for it, the longer chapters, serialization, I believe hurt it.
Aug 7, 2019
they cut scenes in half didn't they? Fights or conversations or...

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