I Sold My Life for 10,000 Yen per Year.

Jun 25, 2019

Also kinda insulting to the genuinely depressed and / or suicidal. As if someone's life can be turned around so easily just because they actually happen to be dying. No, you won't magically get friends for having an invisible girlfriend. It doesn't work like that.

That's not the point of the story though. You severely dumbed down the story while it doesn't even meant to be that way. The story meant to show you that no matter how little you value your life, there would always be someone who would appreciate you for who you are. Even if when you feel that you don't you'll find that someone eventually. That's ALWAYS the case even in real life. There will always be people who would extend their hand for you. It meant to show that there will always be hope even when it seems that there's none.

If you can't see it, maybe you're just a pathetic little shit who are too busy wallowing in self-pity who gave little to no effort to change yourself.
Mar 27, 2020
@plethora : That is just straight up bullshit. Plenty of people die forgotten and nobody cares nor tries to check... and frankly those are the better situations. Some die hated. Some die regarded as objects, wanted but never respected. You'd have to be insanely naive and / or gullible to believe what you just claimed.
And if that really was the point of the story then not only is it peddling false hope that people only want to be true, but has no basis in reality.... but the MEANS by which it is expressed is also fantastical and absurd, since regardless of the intented message, putting your hope in there being means of selling lifespan and invisible watchers that can also conveniently become love-interests is of no help to anyone.

So all in all, if you've always been cared about and are retarded enough to believe it some kind of universal inevitability... you obviously don't deserve it.
Feb 25, 2020

Why would they believe anyone would give a shit about someone dying for whom the entire premise of the story revolves around them dying soon?

they don't have to believe, we are supposed to give a shit about that someone dying because the entire premise of the story revolves around that
what, are we not supposed to give a shit about the premise, it's the first part of the story and lays out the end goal
the premise is one of most basic things you need to keep in mind if you want to properly comprehend a story, and if you don't, then of course its gonna be bad, because you would be constantly confused why things pan out the way they do.
if anything, i would call your review unreliable and uncredible

also, you have such a negative outlook on life that's its unhealthy, you good man

edit: I'm SO bad at formatting how do i quote
edit: fixed it
Mar 27, 2020
@2252020 : The point I'm making is that if you know someone is dying soon straight from the start, it isn't going to come as any sort of a shock or unpleasant revelation when they do die. And there is little way you could be attached enough to them to give a shit if they did die... and frankly if you did somehow become attached to them KNOWING they're going to die... you're just a fool.

These sorts of stories are just stupid and boring because there is absolutely no substance to the plot whatsoever. It is just watching a stranger die slowly. Might as well be watching paint dry.

And I don't know how to quote. It isn't the Reddit way though. Probably something akin to BBcode. Bugger knows.
Jun 25, 2019

That is just straight up bullshit. Plenty of people die forgotten and nobody cares nor tries to check.

Nah. I'm 100% sure that these kind of people died alone because they didn't even bother to put an effort to even stay alive. They'd rather hide inside their roach-infested shithole instead of actively seeking for help and support from their surrounding. Even the protagonist of the story bother himself to actively looking for something to give his life a meaning despite of how low the company valued his life. He didn't cooped inside of his room and is actually trying to at least seek for a conclusion of his own story. He even actually tried to talk to his observer instead of staying silent and distance himself like a coward. If you were die hated by everyone, I'm sure the reason is because you're just a plain cunt because nobody would bother to hate anyone with no reason except if you're a cunt.

The thing about your kind is that you often choose to reject people thus overlooking the fact that there are actually people who tried even once to extend their hand to help you. If not your friend, maybe your family. If not your family, maybe your neighbor. If not, maybe your teacher. Or if it still isn't, maybe some fucking random stranger from a support group or something else. Have you ever tried to actively seek help? If not, no wonder you have such pathetic outlook on life because it's people like you always busy wallowing on your self pity and put the blame on other people for not reaching out to you while the fact is that you have nobody to blame but yourself.

And if that really was the point of the story then not only is it peddling false hope that people only want to be true, but has no basis in reality.... but the MEANS by which it is expressed is also fantastical and absurd, since regardless of the intented message, putting your hope in there being means of selling lifespan and invisible watchers that can also conveniently become love-interests is of no help to anyone.

Duh, of course not. This is a work of fiction, it's not a fucking biopic, and as such, of course there will be some fantasy aspect to the story. First and foremost, the point of having a story like this is to ENTERTAIN. The author have no obligation to actually provide a message to the reader with their story. They simply had a story to tell and this is what a story that they want to tell. You must be some special kind of self-absorbed cunt if you think that the author owe you some kind of message with their story. Newsflash; they didn't.
Mar 27, 2020
Nah. I'm 100% sure that these kind of people died alone because they didn't even bother to put an effort to even stay alive.
Might be in a few cases, wouldn't be in most. Not that you'd care either way because reality doesn't fit with your ideological narrative.

He even actually tried to talk to his observer instead of staying silent and distance himself like a coward.
You're arbitrarily assigning your own values to things he did and acting as though it were some sort of universal constant. Pathetic and myopic.

If you were die hated by everyone, I'm sure the reason is because you're just a plain cunt because nobody would bother to hate anyone with no reason except if you're a cunt.
Swell argumentum ad populum you got there. People hate others without reason all the fuckin time... because people in general are cunts... and frankly what cunts hate doesn't even remotely reflect on the target of their hate.

The thing about your kind...
I don't have a "kind", so anything else you were hoping to regurgitate on this matter is misplaced. I don't suck up to the collective subconscious the way you're doing, and have absolutely not a single need for group identity.
Everything you say is a cliché... a repetition of words you've heard before, parroted back because that is what your kind regards as proper. But you're incapable of judging effectively because you rely on the collective to judge things for you... and any group of people will only ever be as mentally capable is the stupidest of its members.
All you look upon, you just carelessly lump into whatever fuzzy pre-existing category suits your mood and recite the words that label it for you. It is all meaningless. You're not even communicating. It is like being preached at by a youtube video.

Anyhow. Your stubborn naivety is disgusting and would be even if it weren't the same shit countless other identical morons have bleated out before you.

First and foremost, the point of having a story like this is to ENTERTAIN.
And it can't even do that.
Jun 25, 2019

Might be in a few cases, wouldn't be in most. Not that you'd care either way because reality doesn't fit with your ideological narrative.

Nah. 100% are like that. All of the depressed people who can't get better are egotistical prick who can't appreciate other people who extend their hand because they're too busy pitying themselves.

You're arbitrarily assigning your own values to things he did and acting as though it were some sort of universal constant. Pathetic and myopic.

Nope. That's exactly what happened.

People hate others without reason all the fuckin time..

Ooh, talking in big words aren't we now? I never know that a baseless data based on one's subjective emotion could constitute as a sound argument. The pot's calling the kettle black, I see.

I don't suck up to the collective subconscious the way you're doing, and have absolutely not a single need for group identity.

You did NOT actually believe what you've just said lmao.

So basically you're admitting that you're bashing this manga just because you want to be contrarian because you have this "uNLiEk U, i'M sPeShUL cUs i'M diFfErEnT fRoM aLL oF tHoSe MiNdLesS sHeEp!!11!1!!" mindset? Not because you actually have a legit opinion on this? lmaoo
The thing is that, by saying that you're different from the masses, you're exactly imitating the countless other who have said and believed in the same thing that they are different from the others. Which ironically, makes you not so much different than any other sheep.

Also, I found this manga on my own, so I was making my own judgement based on what I've actually read, but why would I even bother?

And it can't even do that.

Group Leader
Mar 8, 2018
From what I've seen this is probably the most rated manga on here when you take into account the amount of follows it has. That alone tells you whether this is a series worth checking out or not.
Jun 10, 2019
my tears i can't stop this hit way too close except for himeno and talent. such a life changing experience and its been more than decade since i shed a tears or two. this make me reflect with what i should do with my life. i will definitely gonna buy this manga if i happen to meet it.
Jun 10, 2019
i want to know your standard for 10/10?

i want to know what this story supposed to be if its written by you?

another title you can recommend that can surpass this story?

im seriously asking if you cant answer all i can tell is your opinion as shallow as toliet flusher
Double-page supporter
May 29, 2019
@soticoto you're like a cocky protagonist from a Trashy Isekai-harem manga/anime/light novel that likes to stroke their own ego and thinks that they're so special and the special and perfect thing in the world but in actuality has similarities akin to that of sandpaper.
Mar 27, 2020
@aatlass : There are only 3 manga I've voted 10 for so far. Berserk, Dungeon Meshi, and Golden Kamuy. I'm sure there will be others when I've read more here specifically. Make of that what you will (though from past experience, when I complain about something and someone asks for what I'd recommend, they usually only do it to heap trash on whatever I named... so I'm not expecting much).
Generally though, my standards for a high score include a certain balance of humour and darkness, a certain level of originality (Berserk at least gets a pass because it directly influenced so many other things, like Dark Souls... but generally a manga has to surprise me to score well), and at the least a certain volume (there isn't much you can do with a really short story in the first place)... and even then I wouldn't give most 10s. I'm pretty sure I've cast at least each number on the ranking scale at least once.
Not sure what you mean by your second question... but I'd never have written a story like this in the first place.
Oh yeah, and you don't get to dictate how deep or shallow my opinion is in any objective terms. Your opinion of mine is only that.

@Twia : That a story doesn't count as a deep and compelling plot just because we watch someone die a happy death. That there are too many stories that rely on this sort of glurge in place of an actual plot.

@nitsuki : You're just text on a screen. You haven't even picked a profile picture. You're nothing and nobody... so even if you were right, which you're not, I'd still be more than you are.
Jun 10, 2019
@SotiCoto my bad my question not specific enough. i'm asking something with the same genre as this title man? why the fuck i want compare this manga with berserk, golden kamuy, or dungeon meshi?
i think like genuinely speaking not many manga use the same kind setting as this manga not to mention why the fuck anyone would bring chapter number to the equation as long as the story itself completed it doesnt matter how short it is.
why the fuck any manga need a plot twist on their manga like this manga all you need to do is enjoy the process in which where will it goes regardless you know the water still wet in the end
i can't say this is shit though even if you compare it with kimi no suizo o tabetai
Mar 27, 2020
@aatlass : You asked for my "standard for 10/10". I answered ...
Assuming by "the same genre" you mean "short story about someone we're supposed to feel sorry for because they're dying", then there is pretty much no chance I would ever vote it above a 5 at most because it is a stupid excuse for a story, and even scoring that high would probably require it to be a satire explicitly taking the piss out of this sort of story.
If that isn't what you meant then I have no clue what you did mean.
But usually... USUALLY... this sort of story involves someone sick in hospital, rather than trading their life away to some mysterious organisation. It is the same basic plot though. Someone has a very short, very finite amount of time to live, and the entire progression of events is given over to letting them do simple things to enjoy the time they have left so they can die smiling and fade into the glowy misty shit or whatever. And that is it. Nothing interesting happens at all. Someone who we knew was going to die... dies...
They do it with visual novels too... and they're usually the ones without any dialogue choices or with "choices" that don't actually make any difference because they really want to push home the fact that nothing can be done to change it. I think I played about three that ended up like this. Complete waste of time.

They're also usually short stories for the simple reason that trying to drag out ONE uninteresting thing happening over anything more than the bare minimum number of chapters would even drive the most die-hard glurge-fan insane with boredom.
And before you go getting any funny ideas about this.... manga length does not necessarily indicate quality... BUT generally a certain amount of content IS required for any kind of investment in characters or plot, or to build enough of an expection to then defy to make things interesting. Really short stuff can rarely amount to anything... and usually if they're even going to try, they rely on gag comedy or the like... at least when it comes to manga.

O'course that reminds me I have read most of the stories written by H.P. Lovecraft, and admittedly most of those were fairly short. And I guess they weren't exactly bad. I did find them kinda overrated though. Probably my favourite of his stories was literally a self-satire... but I'm kinda going off the point here.
Point is that even for a short story, if you want to make it work well, it NEEDS to be unexpected. It can't just deliver exactly what it says on the tin, so to speak. This story fails completely at that.

Anyway... just had to check that other manga title you dropped there.
Without reading it, it looks like more of the same. I'd fully expect it to be the exact same plot again: Watching someone slowly die. Am I wrong?

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