I Won't Be Breaking Off This Engagement. You Know That, Right? - Ch. 3

Apr 12, 2020
Never really was a fan of how it’s all the girl’s responsibility to keep her fiancé in line. Like he’s his own person. Royalty or not, make him face his consequences or the king and queen should punish him themselves.
I agree with your opinion. Just for the prince's case, the king was probably thinking that he won't have many people able to stand up to him, Serea will be one of the very few that could reprimand him or give him advice. If the prince act out of line without the king knowing, there's a chance that Serea would know since she will be with him often. It's also maybe to elevate Serea's position as someone equal to the prince 🤔

My biggest concern about this series is that the MC basically overwrites the OG Serea. It seems like there's nothing left of the girl before she remembered her past life. She totally became a different person. For me, it's equal to someone suddenly being teleported into Serea's body. Definitely prefer that the good parts of OG Serea be maintained and combined with the Japanese side. For now, it's fine I guess... 😒
Mar 10, 2020
@Puan She wouldn’t be like Tiara
since they will soon have their own wedding (in manga chapter 6 which comes out this month) and throughout the story Shin did his best to reassure Serea of their relationship (he spared no effort in showering Serea with love and care I’m telling you uwu). Serea also didn’t dwell on it all the time, she will only be anxious about the condemnation event (which served as a laughingstock btw).
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
potato chips? from town? and it's the first time the Serea saw it in this world? not something one would easily think up of making because of how expensive cooking oil is?
there's a good chance that there's another reincarnator out there
Mar 10, 2020
I won’t comment anything on how the novel was since I only read the MTLed ver and not the probably translated one but overall, I think it was enjoyable.

The heroine
was the delusional type. She was also a reincarnator. She knew of the original plot of the game and was confused when things didn’t turn out to be what she thought it would be. She tried to harm herself to blame it on Shin and Serea too. But I’d say she didn’t affect Shin and Serea that much.
Mar 10, 2020
@Nep I’m sorry I deleted it all after reading it. You could find the link to the raw novel on novelupdates site and use Google Translate to MTL it. But please keep in mind that the translation can be sloppy as hell. Good luck!
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2018
Love me a Prince with good morals and great tact. I wouldn't mind 100 chapters of just him and Serea getting closer with no drama whatsoever.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 30, 2018
i still can't say anything till he grow up, after all kid grow to adult will change in personality really much...
Dec 12, 2020
A date.. if the date is to go down town we might see this heroin girl.. hope she is a good lad

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