Ichioku-nen Button o Renda Shita Ore wa, Kizuitara Saikyou ni Natteita - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.1

Mar 28, 2020
I know you don't care about how I reached this conclusion, but well, I will say it anyways. The sage of time or whatever personally knowing his family and the MC's mother's behavior has made me theorize this, especially how his mother dislikes the sage and how she tried to hide her son from him(if I remember correctly).
I know your point was that if they did train diligently for a million years, that they would beat him, that much is obvious because of their spirit/talent or whatever else that the mc doesn't have.
His personality being like that doesn't mean he can't spend a million years training, that is just your assumption, a person, faced with that situation just needs to be diligent, being shy, evil, cowardly, none of those things matter, they are alone in that world.
With that said, maybe just about anyone can actually manage to train for a long time, but even the mc got tired and gave up from time to time.
Well, no use delving on things that won't happen and drive on the things that are happening.
This girl's personality sucks, so I hope she gets her ass handed.

Also, this is just another isekai, you probably don't expect a breathtaking story. I do apologise if I sounded rude though.
Active member
Feb 13, 2018
I never thought I'd say this, but I guess there's a first time for everything. This grossly overpowered main character is WAY too underpowered.

There has been some general misunderstandings in the translations of the early chapters regarding time spans, which I don't blame the translators for. However, the interpretation they seem to have settled on, which is what I'm using, is that he has trained for 100 million years. TWICE, unless I've grossly misunderstood what happened at the end when he slapped the button again. But even if he had only done it once, he's still elevated himself to a degree where his swordsmanship no longer qualifies as mortal. He totally mastered the sword. He then invented techniques, like forming shadow clones out of his own willpower and resolve, just so he could push farther. It was explicitly stated in the mini-tournament arc that what makes the sword schools so important is that their techniques are refined over dozens or even hundreds of generations to create peerless techniques. Prodigies standing on the shoulders of prodigies that came before them, etcetera. Which is why nobody who isn't from a school stands any real chance against anyone who is. That's fair, that makes sense. But even five hundred generations, which is arguably the WHOLE LIFE AGE OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION, is only a mere ten thousand years. Even if I'm generous and DOUBLE that because this is a fantasy setting, and fantasy has grossly exaggerated timelines, that's still only twenty thousand.

Pull out your calculator app and divide twenty thousand into a million. Here, I'll do it for you. That's fifty. Twenty thousand goes into a million FIFTY TIMES. So even if the most ancient and venerable king's art of manifesting the spirit of your asshole as an elemental stand so you can chuunibyou the shit out of your enemies took double the life age of all civilization to create, a million years of training is FIFTY TIMES MORE THAN THAT.

And that's just for a million years. The MC allegedly trained for one hundred million years. So a hundred times more than that. And unless the initial chapter translation was especially bad, I'm pretty sure it's implied he did it TWICE. He should be more powerful than ANYONE ELSE IN EXISTENCE. Not by a narrow margin, either. By an absolutely ludicrous degree. The MC has literally forgotten more about swordsmanship than exists the total sum knowledge present in our real, modern timeline of history.

And that's just talking in terms of raw amount of time put into learning the craft. This isn't even touching on the fact that, given what the guru and his mother discussed and implied, the MC is some catastrophe class entity that had the majority of his power sealed as a child. Which means even with no training but no seal, he should probably be stronger than everyone else alive, or else there'd be no reason to seal him and then build an entire village to raise him just to maintain the facade of normalcy.

That guy has a hundred million years of training. Twice. And the seal is starting to come off. And he's getting matched move for move by the pigtails tsundere retard that's so grossly sterotypical that having to read her dialogue makes me want to drop kick her into the shadow realm.

Get the fuck out of here. Get the actual fuck out of here. Even if he still doesn't believe in himself or understand how powerful he really is, there's absolutely no excuse for that. The mini-tournament was more honest by far. The greatest swordsmen in all the lands gathered, and he casually saw through everything they had. The only person who came even remotely close to him was the once in a generation prodigy of one of the strongest and oldest schools in existence, and she only lasted as long as she did because the MC was having fun with the fight, because it was thrilling to fight somebody who wasn't himself for a change. He was visibly enjoying himself and he wanted the fight to last, both of which are not the case here, and yet he's inexplicably being pressed harder by the tsundere than he ever was by the bounty hunter.

The MC should be utterly and completely peerless after everything he's done, and that's certainly the elevator pitch we were all given in the last few chapters. Hell, it's literally the title of the damn manga. I know people who have read the LN have said that the author basically forgets about the time guru for a long while, and the implications of it only come into the picture much later, and I accepted that. And I also know from comments made from people who have read the LN that this basically turns into a battle harem series, and I'm not horribly opposed to that either.

But if you're going to spend all this time winding me up about how the MC has more experience and skill in swordsmanship than twenty thousand times the life age of all human civilization, then it needs to be understood that I have not signed up to watch Naruto get his ass beat by motherfucking Kiba at the Chunnin Exams. Hell the FUCK no. We are DONE with the training arcs. The MC has started the story maxed out, or at the very least, he's started the story at so high of a level that no child prodigy with a metal stick should be able to so much as scratch him. The MC should be able to solo every single student AND faculty member in the ENTIRE SCHOOL.

And yet here we are. No. Fuck you. You don't get to play the underdog card, not after what the MC went through. If that's the kind of story this is going to be, then I'm out. Not because I hate underdog stories, quite the contrary, I love them to pieces, but because I'm not putting up with an inherently goofy premise like "100 million years training button" just so the guy who pushes it can get Worfed by walking sterotypes that are still in highschool. I can accept the battle harem, and the author not following up on the time guru and his apparently falsified childhood for a very long time, but the Worfing is a line too damn far. Don't wind me up with bullshit about time buttons if the lifespan of a small star isn't enough to eclipse the gap between the main character and Princess Asuka The Chuunibyou Royalty.
Sep 30, 2018
wow, this op mc with A LOT OF TIME training ..... Millions of years..... got himself a slave for free by being pathetic. Man, if MC want to say no. say no. Lol this MC
Apr 13, 2019
@Lord-Raine you can just ignore that 100 million year training plotpoint and just turn your brain off. Theres still things to enjoy in this manga

People are saying these same complaints every chapter, when everything can just be fixed with a little imagination

Very few mangas similiar to this actually have a well thought out and intelligent story, so I dont know what people are expecting
Jul 6, 2018
Are people reading the raws or something because people sure are talking a lot of shit at chapter 5. Not saying this mange isn't going to go to shit (most do somewhere around 20-50 chapters), but people are making a lot of assumptions.

First off, why is everyone acting like this fight with the pigtails is weird? The most basic of all shounen formulas is that the MC fights first and then it is revealed he wasn't going full-out. The dude might say next chapter that he was taking it easy on her (it is just a sparring match after all), he might say he was being wary since he's never fought a spiritual user before, he might be trying to force a draw so no one becomes a slave, he might simply be working his way through his techniques and not be close to anything powerful.

Second, why are people making such outrageous claims about his power level after the 100m years of training? Dude had no trainer and was shit at it to start off. It's not outrageous to assume that he progressed at a snail's pace. Techniques really come into that. Dude must have tried all kinds of techniques without even knowing how techniques should work. He probably hit thousands of dead ends after lifetimes of perfecting a certain technique, due to figuring out that it would never amount to anything more. You see that IRL as well. Do you know how many Kung Fu schools there have been over the years? Do you know how many are left and what a fraction of them are considered viable? When you see him fighting the best student of the best school out there, you can't compare his 100m year technique to her 1k year technique and expect the time to factor in like that. You have to compare his 100m techique to the evolution of techniques across all schools in the world. He trained alone in a vacuum. The world trained in the hundreds of thousands (at least) for at least a thousand years. And that's not even mentioning that no one seems to have considered that we have no way of knowing that he was the only one that was ever put in a time capsule like that. Even if it wasn't for as long, there's no way of knowing if the heads of the best schools didn't also have magical help like that.
Aug 20, 2020
that twin tail bitch is the worst kind of swordsman that realizes only on raw power that means she is opening central she has no technique she looks slow we will see in the next chapter how she fears out
Mar 12, 2018
Honestly, i think this plot progression is quite belivable.
If you ever trained some type of martial art that doesnt involve sparring as training, you probably will have figure out that no matter how much you train, in a real fight you will most likely lose.
"but he had image training, that gotta count to something right?" yeah, but from my experience this just creates weird habits that may or may not work in another fight.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Shit talking should be saved till after the fight is over and your opponent can't fight back anymore.
Apr 27, 2020
@chynabrack Except his image training is constantly evolving as he develops new techniques. He has to come up with a new way to overcome the image of himself, which is basically coming up with a new way to end the stalemate. I could imagine that eventually doing that for a hundred million years (or even more going off the comments) would eventually lead to so much development in his technique that it would eventually encompass literally every technique the swordsmanship world has come up with.
Mar 12, 2018
@LikeASkurn Well, that's not really how evolution works, most common in nature is to see "upgrades" getting even more tunnel vision than before as times goes on. If we take swordmanship irl we can see that very rarely there's a large difference in styles in the same region, because it would be ineficient to develop a whole new concept instead of improving an already well stablished style.

But at end of the day, this is just mango, if author say "it just work exactly like LikeASkurn said" then guess it works.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 19, 2018
You're right that his technique should be unpolished, but that doesn't matter if you're superhuman. Technique only becomes relevant when you are of a similar weight and frame to your opponent, for most fights, it doesn't matter how well trained you are, the dude twice as heavy as the other and 3 inches more reach will win as long as he's even relatively fit. Most martial artists are aware of this, which is also why professional combat sports are usually split into weight classes. MC is of course, fucking ridiculous though.

There's nothing real about MC. Of course realism got thrown out the window when he didn't age in the 100 Million Year room. Even if he doesn't age because plot device, the only thing it would guarantee is that he was stronger, but his frame hasn't changed at all either, so he didn't even gain muscle for strength. Then for speed, what allegedly took a three hour run before training now takes one hour. Assuming he ran at an average pace before that, he went from running at 6.4 miles per hour to 19.2. The distance to school should be 19.2 miles (why the fuck are the dorms not closer?). At his new top speed he's running a mile in 3 minutes 8 seconds. That's 35 seconds faster than the fastest mile ever ran, and he did it for an hour straight. He should be incredibly fit right now, but he isn't.

As far as fighting techniques, he's allegedly able to swing hard enough to create an air shock wave that can knock a grown man off his feet and out of a ring. The best estimates for average sword size I can find were 25in x 2in x 1in, forgetting that the shape of a sword doesn't lend it to pushing air well, let's assume he pushes the same mass of air as his sword size. For air's weight I have to use kilograms and meters, which is 1.225 kilogram per a meter cubed. Our given sword before is .0002 meters cubed, this mass in air weighs .00025 kilograms. Converting back to Ameri units that weighs .00055 pounds, or 5.5/1000 of a pound. Average man weighs 200 pounds in the US. To knock the guy off the stage he had to put enough force behind 5.5/1000 of a pound to knock something that weighs 200 pounds several feet. Knowing the mass of the object we are attempting to push and the mass of the object we are launching, the wind needs a momentum strong enough to not only push the man, but push him several feet. To match the same weight as the man, his air shock wave must be travelling at 363636mph. He has the ability to force air to travel at 363636mph with a sword swing. I shouldn't need to point out that this is ridiculous.

Nothing in this godforsaken manga makes sense. MC is already a superhuman by all counts.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 22, 2020
I'm gonna just leave this here. Only cultured people can understand this.
Active member
Mar 5, 2020
This 100000000 Years is just ridiculous. 1000 maybe, but with 100 million, the guy should not even be human anymore.

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