Remember when this was about Eiji's grandfather wanting to break them up?
Remember when his friend and the other girl were assholes?
This story is all over the place and making the mistake of telling a lot of disconnected stories as a way to avoid burning through a single one too quickly.
I miss Sensei Can't Teach Me About Love.
Your comment and all the other ones criticizing this manga right now are pretty much spot on but "making the mistake of telling a lot of disconnected stories" is the only thing I can't fully agree with.
This does not qualify as "telling a story" anymore. This is disconnected from everything and each "connection" to the prior story is asspull. This was a chapter with 20 pages after a whole month went by and suddenly every character is different. The hunk is tech savy offering to make a website for a shop, the cute "rival" has 50k+ insta followers doing DIY stuff and his gf (while we knew) randomly is working at a sweets shop... that the hunk has known for years and they go there perfectly timed with her shift. AND !BANG! her family suddenly has some intense and ancient backstory involving sweetsmaking and she knows EVERYTHING about it.
Whatever, classic manga moments. But then, after just "making up", the main pair passes by one another again with both of MC's companions and his girlfriend completely denying his existence while randomly coming up with some economic-masterplan to save a shop from the brink of bankruptcy.... Crazy good blockbuster story.
Easiest prediction for the next 20 pages- she will randomly make perfect tasting sweets that are super cute to boot and will pop off online making the shop and her as postergirl a well-known attraction. Can't forgot her getting super buddy with the other geniuses in that process, tho! Meanwhile MC will be left out front for now but it is okay because she will remember him soon and some positive affirmation will fix this!