I tried to take this translation on before, around when the raws were first posted here, but my Japanese wasn't good enough at the time. Now it's a few months later, and I'm confident enough in my abilities that I have decided to tackle this challenge again.
RAW (Digital): https://e-hentai.org/g/1385744/c177afe3b7/
RAW (Scan): https://e-hentai.org/g/1408080/31ecaedd2e/
New website! https://venator.mangadex.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/venator
Donations and suggestions welcome.
BTC: 38CeAxiGfgPeUwi59jJRxEfbj6Nb6bcJoR
Call me lazy but I don't have the patience to edit dozens of SFX text boxes, even if most of them are in-bounds. So I've decided to include a glossary at the end for the more common spoken SFXs in this doujin. Less work for future scanlators, and you get to learn some Japanese. Win-win, I'd say. The glossary is on the last page so you can flick between it and the page you were reading pretty quickly, using the "Skip to end" button and the back button in your browser. If you have the Multiple Page Viewer... well, seems you've invested a lot already, why not invest in some Japanese knowledge also ¯<_(ツ)_/¯