Didn't know some people dislike this manga that much

I honestly like it. It's not sooo good ofc, but not that bad imo. Classic isekai
This manga is a 4.5/10 in my book-average leaning towards bad. It's an inoffensive barebones survival isekai.
With that said, I still like reading it. MC may be boring but I like how stotic is and how much he respects his grandfather. I like how the MC teaches his squad how to survive in the wild and him doing his best trying to protect them against the hostile wildlife. That's probably the best part of this manga.
I like how respectful and thoughtful MC is whenever he has a sexual encounter with one of his squad members. The fanservice is decent, especially if you like big boobs since most of the MC's squad is packing heat. The sex scenes are well-paced and doesn't derail the sense of progression within the story.
Overall, could be better, could be worse. Still happy you're translating it.