I found them super cute. Not my cup of tea for modelism but hope you find some way to order them. I actually had to check Kunio Okawara's designs. Throne of Terra, the guy is certainly something. Curious about what he would come up with for Adeptus Titanicus, though...I scrolled back through the pages and noticed that the model I mentioned in the end page isn't actually in the chapter because P-Bot's box is sitting on top of it in page 3, panel 1. So, it's this one. This is the one I'd like to get:
Yes, I also had to go off on a research journey for this one. About halfway through translating I realised I was going to have to read the Omoroids website in Japanese since all the names had official English versions. This sort of thing makes the chapter take way longer than the extended page count does.TIL about Omoroids. I was never really a big fan of Okawara's designs but the Omoroids really suit his style. I kinda dig them.
I... I don't know. This isn't the first time it's come up (I remember having this conversation about chapter 1) and I double checked it and that's just definitely what it says. At least this time you can kind of hand wave it as her just not getting back to it for 3 days, since it doesn't explicitly say it was drying for that time.Three days for the glue to dry up?What is she using, epoxy?
It looks like the bottle in the first chapter says Tamiya Cement, and this looks pretty close. I think it's something like Weld-On plastic cements for solvent welding. In practice, it acts like glue for certain plastics, and you need to set it and let it dry out for at least a day, just like with epoxy. It's not "glue" but the name branding for this stuff doesn't help.I... I don't know. This isn't the first time it's come up (I remember having this conversation about chapter 1) and I double checked it and that's just definitely what it says. At least this time you can kind of hand wave it as her just not getting back to it for 3 days, since it doesn't explicitly say it was drying for that time.
I'm actually scared about what's going to be.And next week's chapter took the additional research to the extreme. I think I spent longer working on chapter 7 than chapters 1-4 combined. Untranslated manga volumes, Japanese fan wikis, I sat down and watched a movie; I learned more about [redacted] than I'll ever need to know.
I... I don't know. This isn't the first time it's come up (I remember having this conversation about chapter 1) and I double checked it and that's just definitely what it says. At least this time you can kind of hand wave it as her just not getting back to it for 3 days, since it doesn't explicitly say it was drying for that time.
Tamiya Cement is a more-or-less regular plastic cement type of glue. Those tend to be workable pretty quickly (referencing Revell's and Citadel's) with only needing 24h for full welding, if anything. 72 hours seems "a bit" overkill to me specially since it shows glued test-assembly, which with plastic cement is just asking for trouble. She's probably using the cement for final assembly, while using another for the tests. But still, three days...It looks like the bottle in the first chapter says Tamiya Cement, and this looks pretty close. I think it's something like Weld-On plastic cements for solvent welding. In practice, it acts like glue for certain plastics, and you need to set it and let it dry out for at least a day, just like with epoxy. It's not "glue" but the name branding for this stuff doesn't help.
3 days for plastic cement to dry up fully is pretty normal though.Three days for the glue to dry up?What is she using, epoxy?
Let's be real: The only one increasing our piles of shame is ourselves.She's not wrong: Yanmo is very cute. She's real sucker bled dry by the model shop owner, though.