lmfao i'm sorry but i just can't take Koichi seriously with him being so short. it was so funny when she lifted him up to kiss him and still had to bend her neck down to reach hahaha
I just can't take them seriously
I'm laughing so hard like damn she had to pick him up and still bend her neck to kiss him.
That's some kinky baby fetish shit and it's too funny and weird
And just imagine Rohan turning back and seeing them:
Honestly I hate Yukako for this. She first tried to kill Koichi for not acting like her literal slave and now she's using Tsuji's stand powers to manipulate him into liking her.
if i have ever seen disrespect, its yukako picking up koichi. being picked up (literally) buy your girl is just embaressment. especially infront of a fuck ton of peoeple. suprised how no ones dying of laughter like i was