@ewefwwefwef I don’t think it was Araki’s decision. I don’t remember it too well but I’m too lazy to look it up. If i recall correctly, Araki always intended for Annasui to remain a girl and even be
Jolyne’s love interest
. Not sure if that’s a spoiler but better safe than sorry. Then someone, maybe his editor or something wanted him to change it because they were afraid it wouldn’t sell as many copies or something. TL;DR: progressive bad
Also your username is a bitch ass to type
Araki has actually said that the reason behind Annasuis design was because he wanted an androgynous looking character that went beyond standard gender definition
Event A: a character's sex is changed between chapters. There is no explanation as to "why" ever given
Event B: the character whose sex would otherwise have remained female later
becomes the female lead's love interest
, a decision many would think was at least outlined from the start of the Part
It doesn't take a genius to figure that the two events are connected and, since the writer himself likely wouldn't think "I'm going to make them gay... wait a minute, nevermind", the change would therefore come from outside pressure, like publishers looking to satisfy demographics.