So Anasui did something to Guccio that is similar to Kenzo is my guess. I guess the idea is a bear trap where the next person to touch Guccio gets ribs through their arm. I do not know why Guccio doesn't feel it unless Survivor effects him as well and is full of adrenaline.
Btw Dio stole Jonathans body and if that bone is from "Dios" body, then it's technically Jonathans bone. It makes no sense that Dio could somehow regenerate from that unless the body fully changed along with him or something like that.
dayum I'm rereading this after 3 yrs but i can't for the life of me remember wtf diver down's ability is. Also there's another fashion designer reference and it is Gucci! How funny that he's bland which matches the quality of Gucci stuff (more specifically the logo-heavy stuff rappers wear)
It's ability is to 'Dive Down' into an object or organism and change its cell structure. Unlike normal stand phasing, he can even bring objects and even himself inside the thing being 'Dive Down Into'
His first ability, the stored energy, is just a consequence of this.