No, fuck al dente. "Al dente" is Italian for "I didn't finish cooking the fucking pasta and I ruined this dish for you."
That isn't to say you want the pasta to be as mushy as the mushy-ist green peas (which some people seem think is what ben cotta means, it does not), but yes, ben cotta is superior. The snobbish, wine-swirlers going "Well I've never! Al dente is so much superior!" are full of shit.
Then again the same people that "like" al dente also seem to be under the illusion that pasta sauce should be some sad watery soup shit that doesn't actually adhere to the pasta, which is just further proof that they
are heretics that should be burn for their blasphemy against the pasta gods don't know good pasta when they see it.
Never mind why I'm suddenly writing down your names in a book...