Kinokuniya Australia pulls 7 manga series after-politicians complaint over sexualisation of minors

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Jan 19, 2018
You just need to be able to report on shit reputably, that's it lol.
No you don't, you could pull up a news article from the most bogus of sites plaster it on the news forum say whatever came to mind and still not be in violation of anything.
I don't understand why people struggle with fact-checking so much.
Nobody has a problem with a fact check. What people do have a problem with is constant pestering about checking your sources and other nonsense.

Edit: forgot to tag.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@sterven I think they're coming at it more from an ethical standpoint. For example, it isn't ethical to post bs and treat it as if it's fact.
Jun 11, 2019

I'll correct my previous statement then.

You should be able to report on shit reputably, that's it lol.

I take back my statement that you need to to more accurately reflect my stance. This is to showcase what I mean by reputability. I mean yeah you could plaster an alarmist news website but I don't think you should be mad that someone is fact-checking you because of it. You should be wary of the consequences of your actions.

Nobody has a problem with a fact check. What people do have a problem with is constant pestering about checking your sources and other nonsense.

Not really though. This isn't comparable to the situation crazybars and I got ourselves into though.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
The mods aren't going to ban you if you spew [insert your political affiliation] unless your views effectively break the rules and if so you do have beliefs that might be rule breaking then you might have to do some introspection there brother. Why is crazybar's wild baby-raging actually getting traction when I am not "stalking" him. I look in the forums while listening to podcasts/D&D campaigns then see what is popping in the respective sub-forums. If I find some discussion interesting; I partake in it. Quite Simple, right?

I believed that, until I witness the stupidity in the BLM thread last month. I knew that mod was full of crap.
If he already blocked you, then he doesn't want you a part of his discussion. You can always create your own thread and express your own views in there, without stepping into his thread and behave like a stalker.

You can find me checking back on the discussion "creepy", yeah that's fine. I did liken what I am doing to a college professor going over your work and pointing out it being incorrect. Yeah, it's annoying but does it really matter? Saying one is "stalking" you just because they pointed out flaws in their argument shouldn't help the person (i.e. crazybars) build a support group against having basic journalistic standards, reputable sources and 😱fact checking😱. I don't like the idea that I am stalking someone because I pointed out that they are spewing misinformation or trying to be an alarmist over an issue that doesn't effect them or others.

Students pay their professors to correct their work. No one asked you to do anything. In fact, you were blocked and unwelcome, and yet you still stick your nose into his thread. I am not going to get into whether either one of you is right or wrong in your views, but just the sole act of you butting into his thread is enough to make me find you unpleasant. Again. No one stops you from countering his views. In another thread of your own.

Isn't this a point in favor of not caring about this non-issue? As I said before, Aussie laws are valid in Aussie-land and that is where the store is based in; that doesn't mean that he isn't allowed to use a VPN, a site like mangadex or any site like that, etc. So, the issue that "Kinokuniya Australia takes down 7 manga series after politicians complain about the rampant over-sexualization of minors" is seems really overblown when people actually think about in such a myopic way.

A non-issue for me, and I think it should be for the Aussies as well. But who knows? Maybe he's used to buying stuff from Kinokuniya, and this pisses him off. Or he simply doesn't agree with the loud-mouth senator's lies and hysteria, and censorship. A point I can understand.

This is such a slippery slope, my guy.

Until it isn't. If Goblin Slayer and SAO are on the chopping block, despite them having nothing at all to do with child abuse, I won't be surprised if we see a headline like this someday "Australian senator calls for ban of DBZ and Naruto, citing child abuse".

It's not called "art style" but a depiction of a child and would be usually seen as such. "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck". This is called abductive reasoning (, the act that "a person can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject's habitual characteristics. It is sometimes used to counter abstruse arguments that something is not what it appears to be". So, if you draw something that looks like an elementary school girl, acts like an elementary school girl and/or shows behaviors typical of an elementary school girl then you were drawing an elementary school girl. It's simple. Goblin Slayer
(with ch1-3 of the manga and episode 1 of the anime) depict the rape, murder and obilteration of the priestess' former party by goblins. So, Goblin Slayer might typically be viewed as a media that may seem like it fits all the descriptions.

It is an art style. Just because you interpret a certain character as a minor doesn't mean that must be what the creator intended, or what everyone else must see. I can create a young looking goddess who's actually 2000 years old in universe, and you can see it as a 12-year-old kid, doesn't mean I have to bow down to your interpretation. It doesn't work that way.

The problem with your way of thinking is that a fictional character is not a real person. What freaking real life child looks like an anime character? Similarly, a video game character can look real with today's technology, doesn't mean the character is real.

If you want to argue that maybe some characters should have their age adjusted a bit to fit in with the laws, then most people won't complain about that. But if the plot dictates a certain character to be a certain age, for whatever reason, then that could be negotiated. But nope. Ban hammer it is.

The rape scenes in GS are actually only a few pages, and they were not intended to make the readers horny in anyway. They were to show how brutal and dangerous the goblins are, until the MC shows up to save the lone survivor. It was a good way to introduce a common enemy in the story. Now, you might find that as child abuse, or child porn, doesn't mean I have to see it the same way. And I don't think any of those characters were even underage. I've seen people making a fuss over these scenes because of the rape acts, but very little attention was given to the guy who was brutally killed while defending them. Two girls survived. He didn't.

I also find the outrage about these scenes laughable. They are very very tame, and barely show anything, if we compare them to actual hentai and porn. Sorry, but I've seen enough pornographic contents to not freak out over a few panels of naked female characters. I can see why it might be shocking for teenagers, maybe.

Yes. The thing they are fighting against is child exploitation is it not? If you fighting against child exploitation, you would typically go after media with a huge minor sexualization problem. Anyone can run for congress, but it takes time, effort and money to do so. Most otaku, most likely, don't have the time, don't what to put in effort or have the money to do so.

If she really wants to go after child exploitation, go sign up for a job at the police station or whatever the equivalent of the FBI is in Australia. Banning a few manga and anime won't do a damn thing against actual child predators. You seem to have the mindset of "fapping to certain 2D characters will lead to real life rape", and that's illogical. This is in the same line of logic as blaming video games for mass shootings or violent crimes. Just because I played CoD once doesn't mean I'd wanna go shoot Russian people. Just because I read some hentai stuff every now and then doesn't mean I'm gonna go rape someone. Most people have this ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, which ironically, is something these pro-censorship people lack.

No. I do not think sexualizing 2D characters is the cause for child exploitation in real life. For the same reason why I won't blame FPS games for mass shootings.

You claim to be fact-checking. But so far, everything I've seen from you is very baseless. I can sort of see why you were blocked.
Mar 24, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Mr_Detective Don't worry. I'm 100% certain that particular politician and her cohorts do believe that violent video games turn gamers into latent real life killers and murderers as well. However, since games are already very common entertainment consumed by children, parents, and grandparents alike, she would be more worried about losing votes if she attacked them as haphazardly. Given a good chance, however, she absolutely will. I'm not an Aussie, but populist politicians are the same everywhere.
Jun 11, 2019

When you criticize the mods for actively moderating a forum with a contentious topic like the BLM/George Floyd protest even when they took a very neutral stance on a issue that is clear as day. They literally tried to appease people bro. The only (wierdly) partisan thing that could be considered is the shoutout to the ACLU and even that was mild.

Also, I am allowed to be apart of the discussion no matter what. I can view or post where ever I like to unless my post breaks the admin/moderator rules of the forum. I don't care that an Alarmist doesn't want me to react in good faith (especially with criticisms of his post); if he name-calls me and blocks me then that's fine but I shouldn't be disallowed from posting my opinion under his shit because his (quite shitty) accusations that I stalk him for some reason.

Students pay their professors to correct their work. No one asked you to do anything. In fact, you were blocked and unwelcome, and yet you still stick your nose into his thread. I am not going to get into whether either one of you is right or wrong in your views, but just the sole act of you butting into his thread is enough to make me find you unpleasant. Again. No one stops you from countering his views. In another thread of your own.

Semantics here, but not really, you don't really pay professors to pay to check your work, (in my case) you either go out your way to get a paper corrected as it is really isn't what professors are meant to do. I don't think they are paid if you ask them to go over your paper unless you count that as work or apart of their pay-stub but that isn't really a big deal.

If what I am doing (i.e. participating in a thread) is "butting in" then damn, there are so many asses in this thread. To restate this, I am allowed to post, comment or add discussion to any thread as long as I am not breaking the rules. As you can see, I am not banned as what I am doing, posting in a thread, isn't a bannable offense.

A non-issue for me, and I think it should be for the Aussies as well. But who knows? Maybe he's used to buying stuff from Kinokuniya, and this pisses him off. Or he simply doesn't agree with the loud-mouth senator's lies and hysteria, and censorship. A point I can understand.

Glad you admit it. It isn't a big issue and thus I don't really think attention should be garnered for when the topic is as tiny as this. It isn't an issue because of the repercussions for it only affect a handful of people at that store and furthermore minimizes when you include other factors like readers, location, prices, fandom etc. There is a chance that this pull effected no one but is being blown up by people like crazybars who like to revile in outrageous headlines, dodgy reporting and alarmist articles. As I said before "censorship" really is a trigger word for anime fans; even when it isn't actually happening you guys are got the pitchforks ready.

Until it isn't. If Goblin Slayer and SAO are on the chopping block, despite them having nothing at all to do with child abuse, I won't be surprised if we see a headline like this someday "Australian senator calls for ban of DBZ and Naruto, citing child abuse".

Then I'll wait until it isn't.

It is an art style. Just because you interpret a certain character as a minor doesn't mean that must be what the creator intended, or what everyone else must see. I can create a young looking goddess who's actually 2000 years old in universe, and you can see it as a 12-year-old kid, doesn't mean I have to bow down to your interpretation. It doesn't work that way.

"But Mother... Mother, I wasn't jacking off to a adolescent girl. It's a drawing of a dragon goddess who is two thousand years old in a revealing pose meant to sexualize the character. Huge difference!"

Bro, that excuse has gotten old. Yeah sure you could possibly say that there is a degree of detachment there but it isn't as big as it seems. I'll say it again: "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck". Unless people have evidence that pedophiles don't actively target kids after being given material like lolicon doujins then I will firmly stay on the side of abductive reasoning and say what you would be doing is jacking off to a drawing of a child. Now, you wouldn't be telling me that the duck I was staring at was a door.

The problem with your way of thinking is that a fictional character is not a real person. What freaking real life child looks like an anime character? Similarly, a video game character can look real with today's technology, doesn't mean the character is real.

If you want to argue that maybe some characters should have their age adjusted a bit to fit in with the laws, then most people won't complain about that. But if the plot dictates a certain character to be a certain age, for whatever reason, then that could be negotiated. But nope. Ban hammer it is.

The rape scenes in GS are actually only a few pages, and they were not intended to make the readers horny in anyway. They were to show how brutal and dangerous the goblins are, until the MC shows up to save the lone survivor. It was a good way to introduce a common enemy in the story. Now, you might find that as child abuse, or child porn, doesn't mean I have to see it the same way. And I don't think any of those characters were even underage. I've seen people making a fuss over these scenes because of the rape acts, but very little attention was given to the guy who was brutally killed while defending them. Two girls survived. He didn't.

I also find the outrage about these scenes laughable. They are very very tame, and barely show anything, if we compare them to actual hentai and porn. Sorry, but I've seen enough pornographic contents to not freak out over a few panels of naked female characters. I can see why it might be shocking for teenagers, maybe.

You might just have such a simplistic and immature view on topics (e.g rape, murder, etc) which could be distressing to others. While I don't really mind the scenes in GS, know one with a brain can be some flippant about it and act like it is not a big deal. That would be questionable as you are meant to sympathize with the victim so by saying "they are very very tame and barely show anything" in relation to porn is to undermine Fighter's pain through the scene. That is what it is.

If she really wants to go after child exploitation, go sign up for a job at the police station or whatever the equivalent of the FBI is in Australia. Banning a few manga and anime won't do a damn thing against actual child predators. You seem to have the mindset of "fapping to certain 2D characters will lead to real life rape", and that's illogical. This is in the same line of logic as blaming video games for mass shootings or violent crimes. Just because I played CoD once doesn't mean I'd wanna go shoot Russian people. Just because I read some hentai stuff every now and then doesn't mean I'm gonna go rape someone. Most people have this ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality, which ironically, is something these pro-censorship people lack.

No. I do not think sexualizing 2D characters is the cause for child exploitation in real life. For the same reason why I won't blame FPS games for mass shootings.

You claim to be fact-checking. But so far, everything I've seen from you is very baseless. I can sort of see why you were blocked.

You have got to be kidding me. Anime, as a medium of expression, is art. You can't deny it. People want Anime to be taken seriously yet say this shit. Anime isn't created in a vacuum, it reflects the creators views whether consciously or unconsciously and shaped by the time period it finds itself in. Almost ever anime pushes political and social messages intentionally or unintentionally by the author. Try watching anime and ask yourself what is the purpose of it and what is the message by the author. Characters can be used to represent a different side to a philosophical argument or a different stance on a political issue. The political and social issues can also be the catalyst of the major conflict in the story or peripheral conflicts that appear in the story. Even the most trash anime has political and social messages embedded them, so its not like its rare happenstance in anime.

Continuing on, the media you consume is meant to represent a form of idealized form of real life and as media reflects how you view the world and the people around you. I wish I could say that media isn't trans-formative but I would be lying. People have been slaughter in mass because the person in question held beliefs that were from hearing other, watching media or reading books but then again people don't want to face the fact that anime, as a medium of expression, is inherently trans-formative in nature and cannot be detached from the status quo of the authors. People will fight to the teeth about this topic whenever it comes up but act in bad faith. Then again media also has a positive effect on people, I cannot deny that. People have this idea that media doesn't effect on our outlook on life. If you watch media that treats females as objects, then you are going to assume that females are objects; reflexively not innately. People are shaped (heavily and greatly) by their environments.

Now let me address your point, if she wants to go after child exploitation, it would be valid to go after sources of child exploitation. While I agree that anime is by no means a major player or moviator in CSA cases or anything we have to address where it could possibly appear from. People could have been molested as a child then go on to further the abuse by abusing others (which is the majority of cases) (read:; sources at the bottom if you don't understand wikipedia). Again, I am not of the opinion of "fapping to certain 2D characters will lead to real life rape" but more so that "fapping to certain 2D characters lead to the behaviors that prelude to actions that could be CSA". I would be at fault if I failed to make that distinction. Though, because whenever people discuss this issue, within communities around certain media like anime and gaming, it is viewed as an attack on their character but no one actually wants to show any form of introspection. Granted there are better ways to attack CSA such as going after discord and the like but yeah. This is a non-issue presented as an attack on people's livelihoods for some reason.

Next time, whenever you are responding to me, @ me. Please try not to vague-post so the sycophants act like it is a victory.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
When you criticize the mods for actively moderating a forum with a contentious topic like the BLM/George Floyd protest even when they took a very neutral stance on a issue that is clear as day. They literally tried to appease people bro. The only (wierdly) partisan thing that could be considered is the shoutout to the ACLU and even that was mild.

The idiot mod was taking pleasure banning people who were posting off-topic despite them having not taken any side at all. Meanwhile, another leftist member was shitposting, mocking and being snarky with his replies to other people never got even a warning. That's when I knew he couldn't be counted on.
Might have been a better idea to not create that thread or lock it after the first post. So much goddamn noise over a bunch of American drama.

Semantics here, but not really, you don't really pay professors to pay to check your work, (in my case) you either go out your way to get a paper corrected as it is really isn't what professors are meant to do. I don't think they are paid if you ask them to go over your paper unless you count that as work or apart of their pay-stub but that isn't really a big deal.

They are here.

You aren't breaking any rules if you force your way into the thread, but no one has any obligation to respond to you, per his ignore.

There is a chance that this pull effected no one but is being blown up by people like crazybars who like to revile in outrageous headlines, dodgy reporting and alarmist articles. As I said before "censorship" really is a trigger word for anime fans; even when it isn't actually happening you guys are got the pitchforks ready.

It affects him. Others who buy those manga at that store. Censorship isn't usually done in good faith.

Bro, that excuse has gotten old. Yeah sure you could possibly say that there is a degree of detachment there but it isn't as big as it seems. I'll say it again: "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck". Unless people have evidence that pedophiles don't actively target kids after being given material like lolicon doujins then I will firmly stay on the side of abductive reasoning and say what you would be doing is jacking off to a drawing of a child. Now, you wouldn't be telling me that the duck I was staring at was a door.

I won't repeat myself again. Anime characters are not real humans. They don't look remotely close to each other. Same with sex dolls. If I can tell that a life-like 3D character from Resident Evil in 2005 isn't real, I can tell a 2D drawing isn't real. It doesn't look like a human, and is not a human. Pedophiles will go after kids regardless of whether they even read those lolicon doujins or not. Criminals will kill regardless if they play CS or not. I'm going to tell you that you are not looking at a human, but a drawing of something that resembles it. If you can't distinguish between the two, or can't understand this, it's your personal problem and I don't care.
If someone wants to fap to 2D, it's not my concern. People fapping to whatever in private is something no one else can know. It's a definite crime only if they actually go after children.

You might just have such a simplistic and immature view on topics (e.g rape, murder, etc) which could be distressing to others. While I don't really mind the scenes in GS, know one with a brain can be some flippant about it and act like it is not a big deal. That would be questionable as you are meant to sympathize with the victim so by saying "they are very very tame and barely show anything" in relation to porn is to undermine Fighter's pain through the scene. That is what it is.

I'm a grown man who has seen enough of the human body and more severe, gruesome stuff. The stuff that teenagers freak out over don't freak me out. And even adults have different level of sensitivity. Something distresses you? Don't read it. I am not undermining what the character went through, as that was one way to show how brutal the enemy is. That is not anything to jerk off over or to warrant a ban. My point was that white knights were outraged over that scene, calling it pornography and whatever, but it is nothing compared to actual porn or hentai. And now, this ban for "child abuse". Shows the limited understanding these loud-mouths have.

If you watch media that treats females as objects, then you are going to assume that females are objects; reflexively not innately. People are shaped (heavily and greatly) by their environments.
I am not of the opinion of "fapping to certain 2D characters will lead to real life rape" but more so that "fapping to certain 2D characters lead to the behaviors that prelude to actions that could be CSA".

Well, they are objects, in a technical sense. 2D females are drawings on a paper, so yes, objects. 3D females are virtual models, so yes, objects.
I've played plenty of games with Russians as the bad guys. I don't want to kill a Russian person just for being Russian.

This is all basically just "violent video games anime porn cause violent crimes real life rape", which is nothing new anymore.

Next time, whenever you are responding to me, @ me. Please try not to vague-post so the sycophants act like it is a victory.

Childish rubbish.
It's up to you to check the thread you posted in. You wanted to butt in no matter what, well, I'd expect you to check the thread on your own. I don't care about some internet glory. I also don't care what nonsense you think.

I've spoken enough on the matter. Nothing you said I haven't heard before from the "it's the X media's fault" pro-censorship crowd.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Can't wait for version 5 we we can hide political pissing matches from the side bar.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Awfully sad complaining about a thread that's been locked for two months. Mods are living rent free in your head.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Awfully sad complaining about a thread that's been locked for two months. Mods are living rent free in your head.

It's not so much as complaining, as to point out why I don't trust the mod(s).

My head is out of room.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@Teddy Or hopefully mods lock the thread. It's pointless and we've gone off topic. Let it be forgotten.
Jun 11, 2019

Last post then I will probably take it to DMs if he wants to.


The idiot mod was taking pleasure banning people who were posting off-topic despite them having not taken any side at all. Meanwhile, another leftist member was shitposting, mocking and being snarky with his replies to other people never got even a warning. That's when I knew he couldn't be counted on.
Might have been a better idea to not create that thread or lock it after the first post. So much goddamn noise over a bunch of American drama.

It affects him. Others who buy those manga at that store. Censorship isn't usually done in good faith.

Bro, this isn't just "American Drama"; it is a huge issue that affects millions of people, I would even go as far as to say that affects the world, but for some reason blow one person whining that they can't obtain Eromanga Sensei from the book store they probably doesn't go to is important? The mods were doing their jobs man, what is there else to understand?

I won't repeat myself again. Anime characters are not real humans. They don't look remotely close to each other. Same with sex dolls. If I can tell that a life-like 3D character from Resident Evil in 2005 isn't real, I can tell a 2D drawing isn't real. It doesn't look like a human, and is not a human. Pedophiles will go after kids regardless of whether they even read those lolicon doujins or not. Criminals will kill regardless if they play CS or not. I'm going to tell you that you are not looking at a human, but a drawing of something that resembles it. If you can't distinguish between the two, or can't understand this, it's your personal problem and I don't care.
If someone wants to fap to 2D, it's not my concern. People fapping to whatever in private is something no one else can know. It's a definite crime only if they actually go after children.

They are meant to represent human beings with their attitudes, motivations, actions, behaviors etc. Again, i am tired of saying this again, "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck". Simple as that. I get it, you want to be detached from the lolis you probably fap to, but that isn't how sexual attraction works neither and how media works.

Also, the fact that you said the all too common "two thousand year old dragon goddess" trope is fucking hilarious. Dude everyone knows that excuse and doesn't buy it.

I'm a grown man who has seen enough of the human body and more severe, gruesome stuff. The stuff that teenagers freak out over don't freak me out. And even adults have different level of sensitivity. Something distresses you? Don't read it. I am not undermining what the character went through, as that was one way to show how brutal the enemy is. That is not anything to jerk off over or to warrant a ban. My point was that white knights were outraged over that scene, calling it pornography and whatever, but it is nothing compared to actual porn or hentai. And now, this ban for "child abuse". Shows the limited understanding these loud-mouths have.

A grown man with a childish view on Anime as art and how media influences oneself. GS got banned for depicted what looks like a group of adventures and puts them in scenerios which are displeasing to some and are infact questionable. I actually forgot to bring it up but the Swordsman and the Wizard both die while the Priestess and the Fighter live (with heavy psychological issues). Glad you feel so strongly on an issue you know nothing about.

Well, they are objects, in a technical sense. 2D females are drawings on a paper, so yes, objects. 3D females are virtual models, so yes, objects.
I've played plenty of games with Russians as the bad guys. I don't want to kill a Russian person just for being Russian.

This is all basically just "violent video games anime porn cause violent crimes real life rape", which is nothing new anymore.

I addressed this previously in length before and please don't strawman me.

Childish rubbish.
It's up to you to check the thread you posted in. You wanted to butt in no matter what, well, I'd expect you to check the thread on your own. I don't care about some internet glory. I also don't care what nonsense you think.

I've spoken enough on the matter. Nothing you said I haven't heard before from the "it's the X media's fault" pro-censorship crowd.

God damn, I will always show the most amount of discontent for people like you that show the most horrid amount of bad-faith argumentation towards a discussion about this topic. I correct you people because when you guys spout your bullshit, people get influenced without a person, like me, that points out the flaws in your argument. You really do represent the worse aspects of the anime community that I have the displeasure of being in. From the "2000 year old dragon goddess" bullshit to falling to obvious Alarmism over an issue that affects no one. I am no saint nor matyr but damn, compared to you homie, I might even be Jesus Chirst in the flesh.

At least, try to attempt to dispute my main point:

You have got to be kidding me. Anime, as a medium of expression, is art. You can't deny it. People want Anime to be taken seriously yet say this shit. Anime isn't created in a vacuum, it reflects the creators views whether consciously or unconsciously and shaped by the time period it finds itself in. Almost ever anime pushes political and social messages intentionally or unintentionally by the author. Try watching anime and ask yourself what is the purpose of it and what is the message by the author. Characters can be used to represent a different side to a philosophical argument or a different stance on a political issue. The political and social issues can also be the catalyst of the major conflict in the story or peripheral conflicts that appear in the story. Even the most trash anime has political and social messages embedded them, so its not like its rare happenstance in anime.

Continuing on, the media you consume is meant to represent a form of idealized form of real life and as media reflects how you view the world and the people around you. I wish I could say that media isn't trans-formative but I would be lying. People have been slaughter in mass because the person in question held beliefs that were from hearing other, watching media or reading books but then again people don't want to face the fact that anime, as a medium of expression, is inherently trans-formative in nature and cannot be detached from the status quo of the authors. People will fight to the teeth about this topic whenever it comes up but act in bad faith. Then again media also has a positive effect on people, I cannot deny that. People have this idea that media doesn't effect on our outlook on life. If you watch media that treats females as objects, then you are going to assume that females are objects; reflexively not innately. People are shaped (heavily and greatly) by their environments.

Now let me address your point, if she wants to go after child exploitation, it would be valid to go after sources of child exploitation. While I agree that anime is by no means a major player or moviator in CSA cases or anything we have to address where it could possibly appear from. People could have been molested as a child then go on to further the abuse by abusing others (which is the majority of cases) (read:; sources at the bottom if you don't understand wikipedia). Again, I am not of the opinion of "fapping to certain 2D characters will lead to real life rape" but more so that "fapping to certain 2D characters lead to the behaviors that prelude to actions that could be CSA". I would be at fault if I failed to make that distinction. Though, because whenever people discuss this issue, within communities around certain media like anime and gaming, it is viewed as an attack on their character but no one actually wants to show any form of introspection. Granted there are better ways to attack CSA such as going after discord and the like but yeah. This is a non-issue presented as an attack on people's livelihoods for some reason.

If you want to settle it in the DMs then please message me but fuck don't spread your dumb shit around.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
I have said nothing about your points or even really the post. Just tired of seeing it in the side bar so no need to ping me.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
I'll leave the kid be satisfied with whatever dumb shits he thinks. Not my problem he can't handle some sensitive materials. Seen plenty of his type around other social media websites, the know-it-all- justice warrior in shining armor. With that attitude, yeah, a block is well-deserved. Nothing he has is really new or remotely interesting, anyway.

I've said enough, and I have no free time to spare for pointless internet debate.

@sterven Your avatars are probably gonna be banned or censored soon, lol.
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